ESS _does_ support Julia at the moment:

1. editing Julia code works fine, even though the aforementioned commit
from Wilfred Hughes will improve it and will also make it easier to
follow improvements in julia-mode,

2. interacting with the REPL is functional, but does not support all the
extras I mentioned. But still, you lose nothing compared to manually
copy/pasting into a REPL (which I am assume is what you are doing), so I
would advise that you try ESS, even at its current state of Julia support.



On Wed, Feb 25 2015, wrote:

> Great. I have not tried ESS yet, but definitely will when it supports 
> Julia.  I am not completely happy with emacs and julia-mode now.
> julia-mode seems to insert a lot of trailing whitespace when 
> killing/yanking. And I can't
> find a decent terminal mode/ shell buffer, unless I am running something 
> that doesn't even have readline.
> --John
> On Wednesday, February 25, 2015 at 12:44:48 AM UTC+1, 
> wrote:
>> I'm looking for a workflow, maybe someone can point me to a thread or
>> a document.
>> I was developing a large module without actually putting it in a
>> module. It is 7500 lines of code (counting every newline) and the
>> test suite is about 700 lines. I arranged things so the module loads
>> in about 2-3 seconds and the test suite runs the first time in about
>> 20 seconds and subsequently in less than a second (or more if I reload
>> some code) I had to restart very rarely. So for the majority of
>> changes, I could reload one file and run the entire test suite in,
>> maybe 1 to 8 seconds, occasionally longer
>> Recently, I decided to depend on SymPy, which takes 20 seconds to
>> load. Now, starting from zero and running my module's test suite is 45 
>> seconds.
>> I already have a single file MyModule.jl that includes all the other
>> code. So now I wrap all the 'includes' inside a 'module' block in
>> MyModule.jl.  Now my workflow is so slow that for practical purposes,
>> I can no longer work on the module.
>> When I am working on core code, for every change I make. I have to
>> restart and wait 45 seconds.
>> I spent a few hours, now, and in the past, reading threads on
>> workflows.  I tried a few things, but no luck. I didn't try all the
>> secret recipes.
>> I don't understand how people get around the need to reload the
>> entire module each time they make a change to it, and what the
>> potential problems from doing this are. My test suite
>> fails to run if I load the module twice. I spent some time trying
>> to understand why. Maybe finding this problem is the only solution?
>> Here are two possible solutions:
>> 1. Fully qualify all identifiers in the module. Then, if I understand,
>> I can reload pieces of the code.
>> 2. Break the code into several modules, polluting the namespace at
>> the module level

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