Hi all,

Alex: I'm not around on those dates, but you should definitely go ahead and 
meet up there!

I was thinking of probably using Meet-up to try to organise a Users Group 
meeting. Does anyone know of any other site which offers similar 
functionality? (for free??)

I'm particularly interested in meeting existing users to hear how they use 
the language. With every new programming language you learn there are a 
bunch of bad habits you initially develop in your programming. I'm hoping 
to use this interaction to remove them from my Julia coding. Also, I'd like 
exposure to the wider Julia Libraries which I don't encounter in my daily 


On Tuesday, 3 March 2015 12:31:06 UTC+1, Alex wrote:
> Hi together,
> As you might know the Spring Meeting of the German Physical Society is 
> held in Berlin from 15/03 to 20/03. Maybe this would be an opportunity to 
> have a (small) Julia meeting/get-together of some sort? There certainly 
> must be some Julians among the ~6k participants ...
> Best,
> Alex.

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