I think while a Java Null and Nullable Null are different, asking the 
question "isnull" is  a similar enough concept to deserve the same 
function. The Base/Nullable method is isnull(::Nullable), while the 
JavaCall method is isnull(::JavaObject{T}) .. which is the way it should 
be, afaics. It's only my wish to write a package that works accross 0.3 and 
0.4 that introduces the problem. 

On Saturday, 14 March 2015 11:14:58 UTC, Toivo Henningsson wrote:
> Do we consider nullness of java objects and nullables to be similar enough 
> that they should actually be checked with the same predicate? I guess the 
> two concepts do have a lot of things in common, though methods written to 
> work with nullables might not be prepared to accept java objects.

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