It has caused a lot of frustration. See #9118. I think the easiest right
now is
for p in procs()
@spawnat p blas_set_num_threads(k)

2015-03-17 23:19 GMT-04:00 Sheehan Olver <>:

> Hi,
> I've created the following to test the performance of parallel processing
> on our departments server.  But the @everywhere isn't working because
> "ERROR: k not defined".   What's wrong?  And any advice on improving the
> test?  (Right now for small n there is little benefit for > 12 processes,
> but this seems expected behaviour to me.  There are many other processes
> maxing out CPU simultaneous with the test.)
> Sheehan
> function timemat(n,m,b,p)
>     rmprocs(procs()[2:end])
>     tms=Array(Float64,p,b)
>     for j=1:p
>         for k=1:b
>             @everywhere blas_set_num_threads(k)
>             # following line is just to make sure everything is precompiled
>             @parallel (+) for k=1:2p
>                 last(randn(n,n)\[1;zeros(n-1)])
>              end;
>             tms[j,k]=@elapsed(@parallel (+) for k=1:m
>                 last(randn(n,n)\[1;zeros(n-1)])
>              end)
>             println("procs=$j blas=$k $(tms[j,k])")
>         end
>         addprocs(1)
>     end
>     tms
> end

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