As part of a larger (private) codebase, I have a module that uses PyCall to 
call into PyQwt5.  I like Qwt a lot for fast, simple, interactive plotting. 
 I have a python wrapper that sets up zooming/panning functionality and 
some other basics.  The python code is mostly from another private 
codebase, and I decided to wrap julia around that instead of calling Qwt 
directly, because I'm lazy.

Some sample commands:

x = rand(100)
Y = rand(100,3)
                   # simple line plot of 3 lines
subplot(x, Y; linetype=:dots, titles=["plot1","plot2","plot3"])             
# creates 3 scatterplots in the same window... x vs Y[:,i]
scatter(x, x+randn(100); color=:red)                                       
       # scatterplot with red dots
p = plot(x); oplot(p, x*50; axis=:right)                                   
         # 2-axis plot

My question... should I go to the trouble of releasing this as a standalone 
package?   Would anyone use it?   Also does anyone know of any licensing 
issues I need to be aware of with Qwt/PyQwt?

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