It looks like you've implemented a lot.  I'll take a look in more depth and 
see how it fits in with my goals.  I'm curious... is there a reason you 
haven't merged in some way with StreamStats?  It seems to overlap pretty 
heavily, but maybe not.  If it makes sense, are you open to collaboration 
on OnlineStats, or would that complicate things?

On Saturday, April 25, 2015 at 11:22:24 AM UTC-4, Josh Day wrote:
> I've been working on  The 
> src/README shows the implementation progress.  It's partially a playground 
> for my research (on online algorithms for statistics).
> Please take a look and let me know what you think, but my regression stuff 
> is currently in break-everything mode and will be cleaned up in less than a 
> week.

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