On Monday, April 27, 2015 at 2:52:26 PM UTC-5, Alex wrote:
> On Monday, 27 April 2015 21:05:33 UTC+2, François Fayard  wrote: 
> > If one implements y = y + delta_t * dy_dt in the code with a Vector, you 
> create a lot of heap arrays that has a huge cost (It seems that ODE.jl is 
> doing that by the way). So you are forced to loop over the vector elements, 
> which does not look really good. How about implementing a 
> add_linear_combination!(y, delta_t, dy_dt) which would make things easier 
> to extend for any kind of "Vector". This is exactly what people from odeint 
> have been doing and it looks like a nice idea. If you want to go crazy you 
> can event implement a MPI vector whose memory is scattered around different 
> nodes. Then you just implement the add_linear_combination for your array, 
> and you are done. 
> The problem is that `y = y + delta_t * dy_dt` currently makes two copies, 
> as you have observed. There is an open discussion about in-place assignment 
> operators [1], which would help. There is also Devectorize.jl [2]. However, 
> I agree that having something like add!(y, x, beta) would be nice and I 
> think this also came up in some discussion. Funnily enough we just recently 
> discussed this strategy for ODE.jl [3] ... 

There is 
if you're using BLAS-compatible array types.

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