So I am not terribly sure why creating a closure should should mess with 
the scoping of the variables. I'm not sure this is the desired behaviour. 
Maybe there is a good reason. Clearly in this scenario, the compiler is 
confused by what "z" is.

Its just that printing a variable without implicitly or explicitly 
declaring it first in a lexical scope seemed like a code smell to me. That 
was the first thought on debugging this. 


On Wednesday, 29 April 2015 05:57:09 UTC+1, Pooya wrote:
> Ah! Thank you. I had not heard of closure before. Now, I have heard of it, 
> but am not sure if I can completely understand it! I guess this might be 
> worth being explained in the manual. One thing that is still kind of 
> confusing is that in your example, z is defined after the closure is 
> created until the end of that iteration. So, z is printed once below, but 
> not the second time in the beginning of the second iteration! 
> julia> for i=1:10
>            if i>=2; println(z); end 
>            z=2 
>            g()=2z 
>            println(z) 
>        end 
> 2 
> ERROR: z not defined 
>  in anonymous at no file:2
> On Tuesday, April 28, 2015 at 10:17:17 PM UTC-4, Avik Sengupta wrote:
>> Yes, sorry I jumped the gun. Thanks for clarifying. 
>> But it still does not have anything to do with Optim :)
>> The problem is due to defining an inline function (line 43) that creates 
>> closure over the "x_previous" variable.  To test this, just comment that 
>> line (and adjust the Optim.optimize call), the problem goes away. 
>> A simpler version of the code that fails is as follows: 
>> julia> function f() 
>>          for i=1:10
>>            if i>2; println(z); end
>>            z=2
>>            g() = 2z
>>          end
>>        end
>> f (generic function with 1 method)
>> julia> f()
>> ERROR: z not defined
>>  in f at none:3
>> A fix to get it to work is to declare the variable at the start of your 
>> function. Similarly, adding a "local x_previous" at the top of your 
>> function makes it work correctly. Remember, variables in Julia are lexical 
>> in scope. 
>> julia> function f()
>>          local z
>>          for i=1:10
>>            if i>2; println(z); end
>>            z=2
>>            g()=2z
>>          end
>>        end
>> f (generic function with 1 method)
>> julia> f()
>> 2
>> 2
>> 2
>> 2
>> 2
>> 2
>> 2
>> 2
>> On Wednesday, 29 April 2015 02:23:28 UTC+1, Pooya wrote:
>>> If you comment out lines 42-49, you will see that it works fine!
>>> On Tuesday, April 28, 2015 at 9:20:49 PM UTC-4, Pooya wrote:
>>>> Thanks, but I think "if iter > 2" (line 21) makes sure that x_previous 
>>>> is defined in the previous iteration. Just to be clear, the condition to 
>>>> check here was "g_norm > g_norm_old", but I changed it to get there as 
>>>> early as the second iteration.  
>>>> On Tuesday, April 28, 2015 at 9:13:49 PM UTC-4, Avik Sengupta wrote:
>>>>> I'm seeing the error in line 22 of your gist where you are trying to 
>>>>> print the current value of "x_previous". However, x_previous is first 
>>>>> defined in line 38 of your gist, and so the error is correct and doesnt 
>>>>> have anything to do with Optim, as far as I can see. 
>>>>> On Wednesday, 29 April 2015 01:39:02 UTC+1, Pooya wrote:
>>>>>> Hi all,
>>>>>> I have a problem that has made me scratch my head for many hours now! 
>>>>>> It might be something obvious that I am missing. I have a Newton-Raphson 
>>>>>> code to solve a system of nonlinear equations. The error that I get here 
>>>>>> does not have anything to do with the algorithm, but just to be clear, I 
>>>>>> need to find the best possible solution if the equations are not 
>>>>>> solvable, 
>>>>>> so I am trying to stop simulation when the direction found by 
>>>>>> Newton-Raphson is not correct! In order to do that I put an if-loop in 
>>>>>> the 
>>>>>> beginning of the main loop to take x from the previous iteration 
>>>>>> (x_previous), but I get x_previous not defined! I am using the Optim 
>>>>>> package to do a line search after the direction has been found by 
>>>>>> Newton-Raphson. If Optim is not used, things work perfectly (I tried by 
>>>>>> commenting out those lines of code). Otherwise I get the error I 
>>>>>> mentioned. 
>>>>>> My code is here: 
>>>>>>, which solves 
>>>>>> a simple one-variable quadratic equation. Any thoughts are very much 
>>>>>> appreciated.
>>>>>> Thanks,
>>>>>> Pooya

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