Thanks Tovio

> unless JString <: String (but I guess it isn't?). 

No, indeed, JString is not a subtype of a Julia string. It is simply a 
wrapper around a pointer. It has no string-like behaviour in Julia, other 
than being able to be converted back and forth from a Julia string. 

> it seems to me that your method can never be an identity conversion

 I could write a method definition such as 

convert(::Type{JString}, str::JString) = str

I suppose that should be safe, but I don't understand why that should be 
necessary, or what benefit it will have. 

On Tuesday, 5 May 2015 11:38:38 UTC+1, Toivo Henningsson wrote:
> This looks like a julia bug, unless JString <: String (but I guess it 
> isn't?). 
> The method from Base is the generic identity conversion, but it seems to 
> me that your method can never be an identity conversion? 

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