On Friday, May 1, 2015 at 5:23:40 PM UTC, Steven G. Johnson wrote:
> On Friday, May 1, 2015 at 1:12:00 PM UTC-4, Steven Sagaert wrote: 
>> That wasn't what I was saying. I like the philosophy behind julia. But in 
>> practice (as of now) even in julia you still have to code in a certain 
>> style if you want very good performance and that's no different than in any 
>> other language.
> The goal of Julia is not to be a language in which it is *impossible* to 
> write slow code, or a language in which all programming styles are equally 
> fast.   The goal (or at least, one of the goals) is to be an expressive, 
> high-level dynamic language, in which it is also *possible* to write 
> performance-critical inner-loop code.


Thanks (all) for answering. I agree that *possible* to write fast code is a 
goal. I believe that has been achieved. Nobody commented much on my list of 

Yes, of course *impossible* to write slow code is a very high bar.. I just 
thought Python - an interpreted language - wasn't a high bar :) I'm just 
using that as a comparison. I would like (newbie) Julia code not be beaten 
by (core language) Python. Or not at least by much (a constant factor). Has 
that been achieved? I noticed the "yes/no" answer on "Any". Global no 
longer a problem? Yes, gets you slow code but compared to Python? 
Tuples/Dict now as fast? [I just noticed Named tuples thread.]

Then there are of course, say, Python libraries that are "faster" to 
non-exciting Julia ones.. My hope is through PyCall you can use them all (I 
understand that to be the case) - without speed penalty. We may still have 
the two/N-language problem for a while, for functionality reasons but not 
speed-reasons.. The dual Julia/Python is much preferred "problem" I think 
to Julia/C or Python/C.. and gets you all the "batteries included" you 
would want (speaking as a "non-math" user).

Great to see that strings are being worked on, I never wanted this thread 
to be just about "one thing". I can now see how RefCounting in Python helps 
strings.. I'm also looking into how to beat Python there..

That *is* different from other high-level languages, in which it is 
> typically *not* possible to write performance-critical inner-loop code 
> without dropping down to a lower-level language (C, Fortran, Cython...).   
> If you are coding exclusively in Python or R, and there isn't an optimized 
> function appropriate for the innermost loops of your task at hand, you are 
> out of luck.

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