This version supports 0.4.x using svec as well as previous 0.4.x and of 
0.3.x as well here's the docs <> if interested.

It's been a pretty long time + the svec change was breaking, so not all of 
feature requests made it in to this, like the cool one 
<>, but that's next for sure.

Various bug fixes.

A couple new features features

* supporting the result of julia import as an object similar to node.js 
require Issue 6 <>
* supporting struct types with Javascript accessor functions Issue 7 

Allows for pretty cool syntax, i think (cut-n-pasted from docs)

var julia = require('node-julia');
var JuMP = julia.import('JuMP');
var m = julia.eval('m = JuMP.Model()');
var x = julia.eval('JuMP.@defVar(m,0 <= x <= 2)');
var y = julia.eval('JuMP.@defVar(m,0 <= y <= 30)');

julia.eval('JuMP.@setObjective(m,Max, 5x + 3*y)');
julia.eval('JuMP.@addConstraint(m,1x + 5y <= 3.0)');

var status = JuMP.solve(m);

console.log('Objective value: ',JuMP.getObjectiveValue(m));
console.log('X value: ',JuMP.getValue(x));
console.log('Y value: ',JuMP.getValue(y));

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