Hello everyone,
       I am most happy to inform that my project titled JuliaQuantum : 
Framework for Solvers 
been selected for GSoC 2015 
<https://www.google-melange.com/gsoc/homepage/google/gsoc2015> under 
NumFOCUS umbrella. I will be working on creating a framework for solvers 
used in Quantum Mechanics under the mentor-ship of Alexander Croy and 
support from the Julia Quantum team. The project will be using 
implementations from QuBase.jl, ODE.jl, Expokit.jl and also will aim to 
implement few enhancements in the packages in the course of development. 
The updates of the project can be followed under the news 
<http://juliaquantum.github.io/news/index.html> section on the JuliaQuantum 
<http://juliaquantum.github.io/> site. The end result of the project will 
be to populate the package QuDynamics.jl 
<https://github.com/JuliaQuantum/QuDynamics.jl> with features outlined in 
the project proposal 
It would be great to hear from the community on the above mentioned ideas.

Thanking you,

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