Furthermore using is not the only way to use a module. There is also the 
import statement which has no issues with name clashes. I feel that the 
primary issue seems to be documentation on good workflow. Plus we really 
really need

import MySuperLogModule as m



Am Dienstag, 26. Mai 2015 12:15:02 UTC+2 schrieb ele...@gmail.com:
> Andrew,
> The PR (https://github.com/JuliaLang/julia/pull/10951) that gives an 
> error with `using` notes that it cannot change `importall` to work the same 
> way, so `importall` keeps the 0.3 behaviour of hiding previous functions of 
> the same name.  I would guess its about as stable as anything at this stage 
> of Julia.  But the difference probably should be documented if its intended 
> to remain.
> Mauro,
> Yes, its probably true that Logging intends to extend the base warn and 
> info functions so in this case it should.  But people should not think that 
> is the general requirement just because the names are the same.
> Andreas,
> Its impossible to be absolutely sure that a name won't be exported from 
> Base that matches names in user modules, but in general the trend is to 
> reduce what Base exports rather than adding to it.  And its not just base, 
> any module where the user imports it with `using` before importing your 
> module with `using` will have the same problem.
> Cheers
> Lex

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