This is great! More than I hoped for. Seems you are confirming plan B. 
(over A). I didn't know Julia could support Vulkan/SPIR. That is the future 
(not now on Android and might not appear for older Android versions..). For 
now OpenGL ES is not supported and then no 3D for Android?

Anyway, I wasn't aiming for 3D [and/or] games as a first step. Would 
visualizations, graphing, Interact.jl, etc. depend on 3D..? Should 2D work 
right away?

While a little of-topic, as more an Android question rather than a Julia 
one: What GUI libraries would work best there? You do not have X or Wayland 
(or Windows API..). Qt works on Androids (to not know about GTK) - Julia 
works with Qt =>Julia+Qt works on Android?

And native frameworks on Android, for GUI or otherwise, what would be to 
most promising way to support them?

I know about @linux, @unix (and @windows etc.) macros. I assume @linux 
would be appropriate and @android not needed (is there @freebsd..?).

I'm not really sure how extensively @linux is used and for what, I just 
noticed for choosing wget, fetch etc. I assume some of that might break, 
and not sure if PATHs (directory structure is a little different..) and/or 
that Android is sandboxed would matter. Julia doesn't need any root access 


On Thursday, May 28, 2015 at 8:28:57 PM UTC, Simon Danisch wrote:
> I hope my 2D/3D rendering efforts get somewhere and we will then be able 
> to power GUI's and visualization on android.
> In theory, everything should just work out, as soon as Julia runs on 
> android, and I extend OpenGL to OpenGL ES.
> At least that's what I hope... If things go really smooth, we might just 
> need to wait for Vulkan, and the produced OpenGL code will just run on any 
> mobile device. 
> And if things go even better, Julia could compile directly to SPIR-V 
> (Vulkans Intermediate Representation, which we could generate from LLVM IR).
> Like this, we could have ultimate speed even for mobile devices with very 
> little hassle.
> All in all, if everything comes along really great, we might be able to 
> use Julia as a foundation for a terrific, high performance, 
> GUI/Visualization library, which runs everywhere LLVM can spit out assembly 
> for.
> Am Donnerstag, 28. Mai 2015 16:17:08 UTC+2 schrieb Páll Haraldsson:
>> I've noticed: "I guess we can announce alpha support for arm in 0.4 as 
>> well." (and the other thread on Julia on ARM).
>> Now, Android runs on x86 (already covered, then if you have that kind of 
>> device, no need to wait for ARM support), ARM, and MIPS (actually do not 
>> know of a single device that uses it..).
>> I would like to know the most promising way to support Android and..
>> A. For Firefox OS and the web in general, and hybrid apps, compiling to 
>> JavaScript (or Dart and then to JavaScript) would be a possibility, with 
>> asm.js/Emscripten.
>> B. Just making native Android apps is probably easier. Assuming the ARM 
>> CPU is solved, it seems easier. And iOS would be very similar.. But would 
>> not work for Firefox OS - not a priority for now, but the web in general 
>> would be nice..
>> B. seems more promising except for the tiny/non-existent MIPS "problem".. 
>> Also better long term, for full Android framework support and full Julia 
>> support (concurrency/BLAS etc. that JavaScript would not handle).
>> 1. Just getting Julia to work on Android is the first step. Just the 
>> REPL, wouldn't have to be Juno IDE etc. or GUI stuff.
>> 2. You could to a lot with just the REPL and a real keyboard or just an 
>> alternative programmers virtual keyboard.. However, graphing would be nice, 
>> and what would be needed? What are the most promising GUI libraries already 
>> supported by Julia (or not..)? Say Qt, supported by Julia and Android. 
>> Would it just work?
>> 3. Long term, making apps, even standalone (Julia "supports" that) with 
>> Julia. If GUIs work for graphing, is then really anything possible? I know 
>> Android/Java has a huge framework. Google is already supporting Android 
>> with Go (without any Java) as of version 1.4 and with Dart (for hybrid 
>> apps). For Go they have a "framework problem" going to support games at 
>> first. Some people are sceptical about Julia and games because of GC (I'm 
>> not so much). I note Go also has GC..
>> JavaCall.jl only works for JVM not Dalvik or ART. Would it be best to 
>> just use the native C support on Android or somehow go through Go? Anyone 
>> already tried to call Go from Julia? Rust is possible, but doesn't have GC. 
>> Go should be possible, just as Java, but have similar problems..
>> Do/could macros somehow help with supporting the full Android framework? 
>> Julia already has "no overhead" calling, could you generate bindings from 
>> automatically from some metadata and/or on the fly?
>> This could be a cool pet project - anyone else working along these lines?
>> Any reason plan B couldn't succeed relatively quickly? There are some 
>> ways to make apps *on* Android already, I think all crappy, Julia wouldn't 
>> be..?
>> Thanks in advance,
>> -- 
>> Palli.

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