Until 0.4 is released, I would suggest using the latest 0.3.x release –
that way anyone with some 0.3.x version should be able to follow along.

On Thu, Jun 18, 2015 at 1:28 PM, Randy Zwitch <randy.zwi...@fuqua.duke.edu>

> Two thoughts as a workshop presenter:
> 1) What version of Julia should we be using, both so that the presenter
> knows and anyone following along has a similar environment?
> 2) Along the lines of #1, are all of the talks just going to be a
> free-for-all of attendance? I'm not suggesting that anything rigorous is
> desirable, just wondering how I would communicate to people coming to my
> workshop (hopefully someone!). Or, should we just do environment/package
> setup via GitHub at the beginning of the session?

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