Hello Linus,

This is based on how array types are defined. In general, Vector{subtype} 
is not a subtype of Vector{supertype}.
Try this:

f{R<:Real}(x::Array{R}) = x


On Friday, June 26, 2015 at 8:38:12 AM UTC-7, Linus Härenstam-Nielsen wrote:
> I ran into a problem with types today that I don't know how to interpret.
> If I define a function according to 
> f(x::Real) = x
> it returns x as expected as long as the type of x is a subtype of Real. 
> However if I define
> f(x::Array{Real}) = x
> it throws MethodError no matter what I pass as argument. For example when 
> I try to pass it an Int array:
> f([1 2 3; 3 4 5])
> ERROR: MethodError: `f` has no method matching f(::Array{Int64,2})
> I would expect it to work like
> f{T<:Real}(x::Array{T}) = x
> and accept any array of reals. Am I missing something?

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