On Saturday, June 27, 2015 at 5:03:53 PM UTC-4, ele...@gmail.com wrote:
> Is your od program flushing its output?  Maybe its stuck in its internal 
> buffers, not in the pipe.

nah man, if it's it's od, it's not going to do that, the only thing simpler 
is cat; I suppose you could try cat.

What happens when you do something like this?

*julia> **fromStream,toStream,p=readandwrite(`cat`)*

*(Pipe(open, 0 bytes waiting),Pipe(open, 0 bytes waiting),Process(`cat`, 

*julia> **toStream.line_buffered*


*julia> **toStream.line_buffered = false*


*julia> **fromStream.line_buffered = false*


*julia> **write(toStream,"x")*


*julia> **readavailable(fromStream)*

*1-element Array{UInt8,1}:*

* 0x78*

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