Maybe you want ?

On Wednesday, 8 July 2015 15:59:33 UTC+1, Tom Breloff wrote:
> I have some code which requires figuring out the number of seconds from 
> the Epoch until midnight (local time) in order to quickly compute the local 
> TimeOfDay.  The reason is that I get passed a field which is seconds since 
> Epoch, and I'd like to just subtract off the (cached) # seconds from 
> Epoch-->Midnight.
> Since I'm using a cached number, I don't care so much how long it takes to 
> calculate.  Right now I use both Dates and Calendar.jl, but I'm wondering 
> if I can accomplish this without the dependency on Calendar.jl (which I 
> currently use ONLY to get the hours offset between Eastern US and UTC).  Is 
> there a better way to write this function?
> function getHoursAdjustmentFromUTC(year::Integer, month::Integer, 
> day::Integer)
>   millisEST = *Calendar.ymd*(year, month, day, "EST5EDT").millis
>   millisUTC = *Calendar.ymd*(year, month, day, "UTC").millis
>   UInt64(round((millisEST - millisUTC) / (secondsInOneHour * 
> millisInOneSecond)))
> end
> getEpochMillis() = UInt64(DateTime(1970,1,1).instant.periods.value)
> createUTCDateTimeFromSecondsSinceEpoch(secondsSinceEpoch::Integer) = 
> DateTime(Dates.UTM(secondsSinceEpoch * millisInOneSecond + 
> getEpochMillis()))
> # this is the function I care about... note that "midnight" refers to 
> midnight local to Eastern US
> function calcSecondsEpochToMidnight(secondsSinceEpoch::Integer)
>   dt = createUTCDateTimeFromSecondsSinceEpoch(secondsSinceEpoch)
>   # get the hour adjustment using the Calendar module
>   y = Dates.year(dt)
>   m = Dates.month(dt)
>   d =
>   hourAdjustment = getHoursAdjustmentFromUTC(y, m, d)
>   millisMidnightUTC::UInt64 = DateTime(y, m, d).instant.periods.value
>   millisMidnightEST::UInt64 = millisMidnightUTC + hourAdjustment * 
> secondsInOneHour * millisInOneSecond
>   return UInt64((millisMidnightEST - getEpochMillis()) / millisInOneSecond)
> end

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