On Thu, Jul 23, 2015 at 4:23 PM, Brandon Taylor
<brandon.taylor...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Will it cause a slowdown because there is a better way to do it or will it
> cause a slowdown because something inherent about environment access?
> Because if the second is the case, then it would be worth it, at least to
> me.

AFAICT, environment access is basically global variable and it will
trash any optimization julia can do so in some sense the slow down is
inherent about environment access.

I don't see why the inherent slowness would be particularly useful though.

> On Thursday, July 23, 2015 at 11:13:14 AM UTC+8, Yichao Yu wrote:
>> On Wed, Jul 22, 2015 at 10:51 PM, Brandon Taylor
>> <brandon....@gmail.com> wrote:
>> > Ok, made some progress. Still having trouble with a _ENV_ not defined
>> > error:
>> > how could it not be defined if it's a global variable??? Figuring out
>> > argument passing is going to be tricky. Is this kind of system feasible
>> > or
>> > is it going to cause huge slowdowns?
>> It'll cause a huge slowdown.
>> >
>> > using DataFrames
>> >
>> > import Base.convert
>> >
>> > _TYPES_ = Symbol[]
>> >
>> > type _LAZY_
>> >   _E_::Expr
>> >   _ENV_::Symbol
>> > end
>> >
>> > # modify dicts such that if a key is not found, search the parent
>> > function Base.getindex{K,V}(h::Dict{K,V}, key)
>> >   index = Base.ht_keyindex(h, key)
>> >   if index < 0
>> >     if :_parent in keys(h)
>> >       Base.getindex(eval(h[:_parent]), key)
>> >     else
>> >       throw(KeyError(key))
>> >     end
>> >   else
>> >     h.vals[index]::V
>> >   end
>> > end
>> >
>> > # allow inheritance from modules
>> > function convert(::Type{Dict}, m::Module)
>> >   dict = Dict()
>> >   for name in names(m)
>> >     dict[name] = eval( :(Base.$name) )
>> >     # add types to type list
>> >     if typeof(dict[name]) <: DataType
>> >       push!(_TYPES_, name)
>> >     end
>> >   end
>> >   dict
>> > end
>> >
>> > # allow inheritance from DataFrames
>> > function convert(::Type{Dict}, d::DataFrame)
>> > dict = Dict()
>> >   for name in names(d)
>> >     dict[name] = d[name]
>> >     # add types to type list
>> >     if typeof(dict[name]) <: DataType
>> >       push!(_TYPES_, name)
>> >     end
>> >   end
>> >   dict
>> > end
>> >
>> > # establish the base environment, save it as global, and point it to an
>> > empty dictionary
>> > macro _ENV_MACRO_()
>> >   esc(quote
>> >     _ENV_ = gensym()
>> >     _GLOBAL_ = _ENV_
>> >     eval(quote
>> >            $_ENV_ = Dict()
>> >          end)
>> >   end)
>> > end
>> >
>> > # establish a new environment and point it towards a dict daughter of
>> > the
>> > old environment
>> > macro _NEW_ENV_MACRO_()
>> >   esc(quote
>> >     _NEW_ENV_ = gensym()
>> >     eval(quote
>> >            $_NEW_ENV_ = {:_parent => $(Expr(:quote, _ENV_)) }
>> >          end)
>> >     _ENV_ = _NEW_ENV_
>> >       end)
>> > end
>> >
>> > # establish a new environment and point it towards a dict daughter of
>> > the
>> > old environment with dict contents
>> > macro _ADD_ENV_MACRO_(dict)
>> >   esc(quote
>> >     _DICT_ = $dict
>> >     _ADD_ENV_ = gensym()
>> >     eval(quote
>> >            $_ADD_ENV_ = convert(Dict, $_DICT_)
>> >            $_ADD_ENV_[:_parent] = $(Expr(:quote, _ENV_))
>> >          end)
>> >     _ENV_ = _ADD_ENV_
>> >   end)
>> > end
>> >
>> > # jump back in time to the previous generation
>> > macro _REMOVE_ENV_MACRO_()
>> >   esc(quote
>> >     _ENV_ = eval(_ENV_)[:_parent]
>> >       end)
>> > end
>> >
>> >
>> > # new types will have to be included in a module at the beginning of
>> > code
>> > # that module will need to be converted to a Dict along with base
>> > # a namespace will need to be created such that module dicts inherit
>> > from
>> > each other, with base at the top
>> >
>> > @_ENV_MACRO_()
>> > @_ADD_ENV_MACRO_(Base)
>> >
>> > # test expression
>> > e =
>> >   quote
>> >     a = 1
>> >     b = 2
>> >     test = function()
>> >       b = a
>> >     end
>> >   end
>> >
>> >
>> > # reformat code to use dict scoping
>> > function _ENV_REPLACE_(_Lazy_::_LAZY_)
>> >
>> >   e = copy(_Lazy_._E_)
>> >   _ENV_ = _Lazy_._ENV_
>> >
>> >   # expressions wrapped in _esc will be left alone
>> >   if length(e.args) > 0
>> >     if (e.head == :call) & (e.args[1] == :_esc)
>> >       return e.args[2]
>> >     end
>> >   end
>> >
>> >   # set a new scope for a new function. This will also have to be done
>> > with
>> > for loops, modules, etc.
>> >   if (e.head == :function)
>> >     # insert a new scope definition into the function definition
>> >     e.args[2].args = [
>> >       e.args[2].args[1],
>> >       :(@_NEW_ENV_MACRO_),
>> >       :(_ENV_REPLACE!_(
>> >           $(Expr(:block,
>> >                  e.args[2].args[2:end]...)))),
>> >       :(@_REMOVE_ENV_MACRO_)]
>> >
>> >   # ignore line numbers
>> >     elseif e.head != :line
>> >     # for each sentence
>> >     for i in 1:length(e.args)
>> >       # replace symbols with their dict scoped version
>> >       if typeof(e.args[i]) == Symbol
>> >
>> >         #avoid types
>> >         if !(e.args[i] in _TYPES_)
>> >           e.args[i] = :($_ENV_[$(string(e.args[i]))])
>> >         end
>> >
>> >       # recur into new expressions
>> >       elseif typeof(e.args[i]) == Expr
>> >         e.args[i] = _ENV_REPLACE!_(e.args[i], _ENV_)
>> >       end
>> >     end
>> >   end
>> >   e
>> > end
>> >
>> > function _LAZY_(e::Expr)
>> >   _LAZY_(e, _ENV_)
>> > end
>> >
>> > macro _LAZY_EVAL_(_Lazy_)
>> >   esc(quote
>> >         eval(_ENV_REPLACE_($_Lazy_))
>> >       end)
>> > end
>> >
>> >
>> > @_LAZY_EVAL_(_LAZY_(e))
>> >
>> > eval(_ENV_)["a"]
>> > eval(_ENV_)["b"]
>> > eval(_ENV_)["test"]() ## ERROR HERE
>> >
>> >
>> >
>> >
>> >
>> > On Wednesday, July 22, 2015 at 11:30:10 AM UTC+8, Brandon Taylor wrote:
>> >>
>> >> More to do:
>> >> Expressions would also have to be escaped from quoting.
>> >> If we can't scope types within dicts, it might be necessary to have
>> >> special markers for types so they can avoid being scoped.
>> >> I don't think that macros will be necessary anymore
>> >>
>> >>
>> >> On Wednesday, July 22, 2015 at 11:14:38 AM UTC+8, Brandon Taylor wrote:
>> >>>
>> >>> Ok so I've got a good start. I bet John Myles White didn't think I
>> >>> could
>> >>> get this far. Anyway, I'm getting caught up in defining my own escape
>> >>> function. I'm getting lost in multiple layers of meta.
>> >>>
>> >>> using DataFrames
>> >>>
>> >>> import Base.convert
>> >>>
>> >>> # allow inheritance from modules
>> >>> function convert(::Type{Dict}, m::Module)
>> >>> dict = Dict()
>> >>>   for name in names(m)
>> >>>     dict[name] = eval( :(Base.$name) )
>> >>>   end
>> >>>   dict
>> >>> end
>> >>>
>> >>> base_dict = convert(Dict, Base)
>> >>>
>> >>> # allow inheritance from DataFrames
>> >>> function convert(::Type{Dict}, d::DataFrame)
>> >>> dict = Dict()
>> >>>   for name in names(d)
>> >>>     dict[name] = d[name]
>> >>>   end
>> >>>   dict
>> >>> end
>> >>>
>> >>> # modify dicts such that if a key is not found, search the parent
>> >>> function Base.getindex{K,V}(h::Dict{K,V}, key)
>> >>>   index = Base.ht_keyindex(h, key)
>> >>>   if index < 0
>> >>>     if :_parent in keys(h)
>> >>>       Base.getindex(h[:_parent], key)
>> >>>     else
>> >>>       throw(KeyError(key))
>> >>>     end
>> >>>   else
>> >>>     h.vals[index]::V
>> >>>   end
>> >>> end
>> >>>
>> >>> # test expression
>> >>> e =
>> >>>   quote
>> >>>     a = 1
>> >>>     # anonymous functions required for proper scoping
>> >>>     test = function()
>> >>>       b = a
>> >>>     end
>> >>>   end
>> >>>
>> >>> # set up the global environment
>> >>> _env = gensym()
>> >>> eval(:($_env = [:_parent => base_dict] ) )
>> >>>
>> >>>
>> >>> #_new_env = _env
>> >>> # this is the code that needs to be escaped
>> >>> #eval(:($_new_env = [:_parent => eval(_env)] ) )
>> >>>
>> >>> # reformat code to use dict scoping
>> >>> function env_replace!(e::Expr,
>> >>>                       _env::Symbol = _env)
>> >>>
>> >>>   # expressions wrapped in _esc will be left alone
>> >>>   if length(e.args) > 0
>> >>>     if (e.head == :call) & (e.args[1] == :_esc)
>> >>>       return e.args[2]
>> >>>     end
>> >>>   end
>> >>>
>> >>>   # set a new scope for a new function. This will also have to be done
>> >>> with for loops, modules, etc.
>> >>>   if (e.head == :function)
>> >>>     # insert a new scope definition into the function definition
>> >>>           _new_env = gensym()
>> >>>           e.args[2].args = [
>> >>>             e.args[2].args[1],
>> >>>             :_esc(), #### need help here ###
>> >>>             e.args[2].args[2:end] ]
>> >>>           _env = _new_env
>> >>>         end
>> >>>
>> >>>   # ignore line numbers
>> >>>   if e.head != :line
>> >>>
>> >>>     for i in 1:length(e.args)
>> >>>       # replace symbols with their dict scoped version
>> >>>       if typeof(e.args[i]) == Symbol
>> >>>         e.args[i] = :($_env[$(string(e.args[i]))])
>> >>>
>> >>>       # recur into new expressions
>> >>>       elseif typeof(e.args[i]) == Expr
>> >>>         e.args[i] = env_replace!(e.args[i], _env)
>> >>>       end
>> >>>     end
>> >>>   end
>> >>>   e
>> >>> end
>> >>>
>> >>> # here is an eval that allows evaluation within a certain dict scope
>> >>> function lazy_eval(e::Expr,
>> >>>                    _env::Symbol = _env)
>> >>>   eval(env_replace!(e), _env)
>> >>> end
>> >>>
>> >>>
>> >>> ## TO DO
>> >>> # fix _esc problem
>> >>> # prevent environment symbols from being scoped (perhaps with a
>> >>> special
>> >>> marker)
>> >>> # rescope for, while, try, catch, finally, let, and type
>> >>> # perhaps use fast anonymous to avoid performance slowdowns?
>> >>>
>> >>>
>> >>> On Tuesday, July 21, 2015 at 10:10:58 AM UTC+8, Brandon Taylor wrote:
>> >>>>
>> >>>> And there would need to be a special marker for them, such that if
>> >>>> I'm
>> >>>> in function f, f[:a] won't get preprocessed as f[:f][:a]
>> >>>>
>> >>>> On Tuesday, July 21, 2015 at 10:03:08 AM UTC+8, Brandon Taylor wrote:
>> >>>>>
>> >>>>> Although that would probably require nested dicts. Each would have a
>> >>>>> parent dict, and if a lookup isn't found in the current dict, the
>> >>>>> parent
>> >>>>> dict would be searched.
>> >>>>>
>> >>>>> On Tuesday, July 21, 2015 at 9:53:50 AM UTC+8, Brandon Taylor wrote:
>> >>>>>>
>> >>>>>> I should be possible to preprocess code such that everything is put
>> >>>>>> into a dict based on the name of enclosing function (and global
>> >>>>>> variables
>> >>>>>> will just go into a dict called global).
>> >>>>>>
>> >>>>>> On Tuesday, July 21, 2015 at 9:42:00 AM UTC+8, Brandon Taylor
>> >>>>>> wrote:
>> >>>>>>>
>> >>>>>>> Dicts seem to work pretty well for this kind of thing.
>> >>>>>>>
>> >>>>>>> On Tuesday, July 21, 2015 at 9:38:36 AM UTC+8, Brandon Taylor
>> >>>>>>> wrote:
>> >>>>>>>>
>> >>>>>>>> I'm getting a cannot assign variables in other modules error.
>> >>>>>>>>
>> >>>>>>>> On Tuesday, July 21, 2015 at 6:39:44 AM UTC+8, Yichao Yu wrote:
>> >>>>>>>>>
>> >>>>>>>>> On Mon, Jul 20, 2015 at 6:35 PM, Brandon Taylor
>> >>>>>>>>> <brandon....@gmail.com> wrote:
>> >>>>>>>>> > Ok, a thought, Julia has an inbuilt idea of a module. Would it
>> >>>>>>>>> > be
>> >>>>>>>>> > possible
>> >>>>>>>>> > to hijack this functionality to provide pseudo-environments?
>> >>>>>>>>> > That
>> >>>>>>>>> > is, never
>> >>>>>>>>> > referring to anything that is not already in an explicit
>> >>>>>>>>> > module?
>> >>>>>>>>> > And also,
>> >>>>>>>>> > have a data-frame simply be a module?
>> >>>>>>>>>
>> >>>>>>>>> I think this would in principle works. A module is basically
>> >>>>>>>>> what
>> >>>>>>>>> global scope means so all the performance concern applies.
>> >>>>>>>>>
>> >>>>>>>>> >
>> >>>>>>>>> >
>> >>>>>>>>> > On Friday, July 10, 2015 at 11:31:36 PM UTC+8, Brandon Taylor
>> >>>>>>>>> > wrote:
>> >>>>>>>>> >>
>> >>>>>>>>> >> I don't know if you came across the vignette?
>> >>>>>>>>> >>
>> >>>>>>>>> >>
>> >>>>>>>>> >> http://cran.r-project.org/web/packages/lazyeval/vignettes/lazyeval.html
>> >>>>>>>>> >>  ?
>> >>>>>>>>> >> dplyr uses lazyeval extensively, see
>> >>>>>>>>> >>
>> >>>>>>>>> >> http://cran.r-project.org/web/packages/dplyr/vignettes/nse.html
>> >>>>>>>>> >> . The cool
>> >>>>>>>>> >> thing about being able to incorporate this kind of thing in
>> >>>>>>>>> >> Julia would be
>> >>>>>>>>> >> being able to use the self-reflection capabilities.
>> >>>>>>>>> >>
>> >>>>>>>>> >> On Friday, July 10, 2015 at 10:57:16 AM UTC-4, Cedric St-Jean
>> >>>>>>>>> >> wrote:
>> >>>>>>>>> >>>
>> >>>>>>>>> >>>
>> >>>>>>>>> >>>
>> >>>>>>>>> >>> On Thursday, July 9, 2015 at 10:35:30 PM UTC-4, Brandon
>> >>>>>>>>> >>> Taylor
>> >>>>>>>>> >>> wrote:
>> >>>>>>>>> >>>>
>> >>>>>>>>> >>>> To walk back in time, you could say something like: compile
>> >>>>>>>>> >>>> this like
>> >>>>>>>>> >>>> this was is in line 8. Or compile this like this was in
>> >>>>>>>>> >>>> line
>> >>>>>>>>> >>>> 5. It seems
>> >>>>>>>>> >>>> like Julia already has some of this functionality in
>> >>>>>>>>> >>>> macros.
>> >>>>>>>>> >>>> Internal
>> >>>>>>>>> >>>> variables are compiled as if they were in local scope. But
>> >>>>>>>>> >>>> escaped
>> >>>>>>>>> >>>> expressions are compiled as if they were in global scope.
>> >>>>>>>>> >>>
>> >>>>>>>>> >>>
>> >>>>>>>>> >>> Could you provide context or a real-world use? I've looked
>> >>>>>>>>> >>> at
>> >>>>>>>>> >>> the
>> >>>>>>>>> >>> lazyeval package, and I'm not entirely sure what it does.
>> >>>>>>>>> >>> Does
>> >>>>>>>>> >>> it provide
>> >>>>>>>>> >>> lazy evaluation for R? That's easy to achieve in Julia
>> >>>>>>>>> >>> (well,
>> >>>>>>>>> >>> sorta).
>> >>>>>>>>> >>> Instead of
>> >>>>>>>>> >>>
>> >>>>>>>>> >>> d = determinant(matrix)
>> >>>>>>>>> >>> ....
>> >>>>>>>>> >>> u = 2 * d
>> >>>>>>>>> >>>
>> >>>>>>>>> >>> you can write
>> >>>>>>>>> >>>
>> >>>>>>>>> >>> d = ()->determinant(matrix)
>> >>>>>>>>> >>> ....
>> >>>>>>>>> >>> u = 2 * d() # determinant is evaluated on use, in the
>> >>>>>>>>> >>> context
>> >>>>>>>>> >>> where it
>> >>>>>>>>> >>> was originally defined
>> >>>>>>>>> >>>
>> >>>>>>>>> >>> With macros this can turn into
>> >>>>>>>>> >>>
>> >>>>>>>>> >>> d = lazy(determinant(matrix))
>> >>>>>>>>> >>>
>> >>>>>>>>> >>> which looks nicer (and also can avoid computing the
>> >>>>>>>>> >>> determinant
>> >>>>>>>>> >>> twice if
>> >>>>>>>>> >>> d() is called twice).
>> >>>>>>>>> >>>
>> >>>>>>>>> >>> Cédric
>> >>>>>>>>> >>>
>> >>>>>>>>> >>>>
>> >>>>>>>>> >>>>
>> >>>>>>>>> >>>> On Thursday, July 9, 2015 at 9:11:05 PM UTC-4, Cedric
>> >>>>>>>>> >>>> St-Jean
>> >>>>>>>>> >>>> wrote:
>> >>>>>>>>> >>>>>
>> >>>>>>>>> >>>>>
>> >>>>>>>>> >>>>>
>> >>>>>>>>> >>>>> On Thursday, July 9, 2015 at 4:14:32 PM UTC-4, Brandon
>> >>>>>>>>> >>>>> Taylor
>> >>>>>>>>> >>>>> wrote:
>> >>>>>>>>> >>>>>>
>> >>>>>>>>> >>>>>> Ok, here's where I'm getting hung up. You said that the
>> >>>>>>>>> >>>>>> compiler
>> >>>>>>>>> >>>>>> figures out the creation/lifetime of all variables at
>> >>>>>>>>> >>>>>> compile time. So does
>> >>>>>>>>> >>>>>> that mean there's a list like:
>> >>>>>>>>> >>>>>>
>> >>>>>>>>> >>>>>> a maps to location 0 and exists from line 3 to line 9
>> >>>>>>>>> >>>>>> b maps to location 1 and exists from line 7 to line 9
>> >>>>>>>>> >>>>>> a maps to location 10 and exists from line 7 to 9?
>> >>>>>>>>> >>>>>>
>> >>>>>>>>> >>>>>> and that to map variables to locations on any particular
>> >>>>>>>>> >>>>>> line, the
>> >>>>>>>>> >>>>>> compiler works its way up the list,
>> >>>>>>>>> >>>>>
>> >>>>>>>>> >>>>>
>> >>>>>>>>> >>>>> Yes, more or less.
>> >>>>>>>>> >>>>>
>> >>>>>>>>> >>>>>>
>> >>>>>>>>> >>>>>>
>> >>>>>>>>> >>>>>> This is perhaps even more helpful than the environment.
>> >>>>>>>>> >>>>>> The
>> >>>>>>>>> >>>>>> environment is immediately and completely determinable at
>> >>>>>>>>> >>>>>> any point in the
>> >>>>>>>>> >>>>>> program. This could make it possible to walk back in time
>> >>>>>>>>> >>>>>> even within the
>> >>>>>>>>> >>>>>> same scope.
>> >>>>>>>>> >>>>>
>> >>>>>>>>> >>>>>
>> >>>>>>>>> >>>>> Could you expand on what you're thinking of?
>> >>>>>>>>> >>>>>
>> >>>>>>>>> >>>>> This kind of compile-time environment could conceivably be
>> >>>>>>>>> >>>>> exposed to
>> >>>>>>>>> >>>>> macros. Common Lisp had proposals along that line
>> >>>>>>>>> >>>>>
>> >>>>>>>>> >>>>> (https://www.cs.cmu.edu/Groups/AI/html/cltl/clm/node102.html)
>> >>>>>>>>> >>>>> but as far as
>> >>>>>>>>> >>>>> I can tell, it was too complicated and not useful enough,
>> >>>>>>>>> >>>>> so
>> >>>>>>>>> >>>>> it was
>> >>>>>>>>> >>>>> axed/neutered at some point in the standardization
>> >>>>>>>>> >>>>> process.
>> >>>>>>>>> >>>>>
>> >>>>>>>>> >>>>> > Hadley Wickham's lazyeval package in R is pretty cool in
>> >>>>>>>>> >>>>> > that you can
>> >>>>>>>>> >>>>> > attach an environment to an expression, pass it in and
>> >>>>>>>>> >>>>> > out
>> >>>>>>>>> >>>>> > of functions with
>> >>>>>>>>> >>>>> > various modifications, and then evaluate the expression
>> >>>>>>>>> >>>>> > within the original
>> >>>>>>>>> >>>>> > environment
>> >>>>>>>>> >>>>>
>> >>>>>>>>> >>>>> I don't know about R, but to me that sounds entirely
>> >>>>>>>>> >>>>> doable
>> >>>>>>>>> >>>>> with
>> >>>>>>>>> >>>>> closures (and macros will give you a nice syntax for it)
>> >>>>>>>>> >>>>>
>> >>>>>>>>> >>>>>>
>> >>>>>>>>> >>>>>>
>> >>>>>>>>> >>>>>> On Wednesday, July 8, 2015 at 8:31:44 PM UTC-4, Yichao Yu
>> >>>>>>>>> >>>>>> wrote:
>> >>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>
>> >>>>>>>>> >>>>>>> On Wed, Jul 8, 2015 at 8:23 PM, Yichao Yu
>> >>>>>>>>> >>>>>>> <yyc...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> >>>>>>>>> >>>>>>> > On Wed, Jul 8, 2015 at 7:48 PM, Brandon Taylor
>> >>>>>>>>> >>>>>>> > <brandon....@gmail.com> wrote:
>> >>>>>>>>> >>>>>>> >> Hmm, maybe I'm confused about compilation vs
>> >>>>>>>>> >>>>>>> >> interpretation. Let
>> >>>>>>>>> >>>>>>> >> me
>> >>>>>>>>> >>>>>>> >> rephrase. Regardless of a how or when statement is
>> >>>>>>>>> >>>>>>> >> evaluated, it
>> >>>>>>>>> >>>>>>> >> must have
>> >>>>>>>>> >>>>>>> >> access at least to its parent environments to
>> >>>>>>>>> >>>>>>> >> successfully resolve
>> >>>>>>>>> >>>>>>> >> a symbol.
>> >>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>
>> >>>>>>>>> >>>>>>> AFAIK, the only scope you can dynamically add variable
>> >>>>>>>>> >>>>>>> to
>> >>>>>>>>> >>>>>>> is the
>> >>>>>>>>> >>>>>>> global scope. (This can be done with the `global`
>> >>>>>>>>> >>>>>>> keyword
>> >>>>>>>>> >>>>>>> or `eval`
>> >>>>>>>>> >>>>>>> etc). The compiler figure out the creation/lifetime of
>> >>>>>>>>> >>>>>>> all
>> >>>>>>>>> >>>>>>> local
>> >>>>>>>>> >>>>>>> variables (at compile time). Therefore, to access a
>> >>>>>>>>> >>>>>>> variable in the
>> >>>>>>>>> >>>>>>> parent scope:
>> >>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>
>> >>>>>>>>> >>>>>>> 1. If it's a global, then it need a runtime
>> >>>>>>>>> >>>>>>> lookup/binding
>> >>>>>>>>> >>>>>>> (the
>> >>>>>>>>> >>>>>>> reason
>> >>>>>>>>> >>>>>>> global are slow)
>> >>>>>>>>> >>>>>>> 2. If it's in a parent non-global scope, the compiler
>> >>>>>>>>> >>>>>>> can
>> >>>>>>>>> >>>>>>> figure out
>> >>>>>>>>> >>>>>>> how to bind/access it at compile time and no extra
>> >>>>>>>>> >>>>>>> (lookup)
>> >>>>>>>>> >>>>>>> code at
>> >>>>>>>>> >>>>>>> runtime is necessary.
>> >>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>
>> >>>>>>>>> >>>>>>> >>
>> >>>>>>>>> >>>>>>> >
>> >>>>>>>>> >>>>>>> > A julia local variable is basically a variable in C.
>> >>>>>>>>> >>>>>>> > There's a
>> >>>>>>>>> >>>>>>> > table
>> >>>>>>>>> >>>>>>> > at compile time to map between symbols and stack slots
>> >>>>>>>>> >>>>>>> > (or
>> >>>>>>>>> >>>>>>> > whereever
>> >>>>>>>>> >>>>>>> > they are stored) but such a map does not exist at
>> >>>>>>>>> >>>>>>> > runtime
>> >>>>>>>>> >>>>>>> > anymore
>> >>>>>>>>> >>>>>>> > (except for debugging).
>> >>>>>>>>> >>>>>>> >
>> >>>>>>>>> >>>>>>> >>
>> >>>>>>>>> >>>>>>> >> On Wednesday, July 8, 2015 at 7:34:09 PM UTC-4,
>> >>>>>>>>> >>>>>>> >> Brandon
>> >>>>>>>>> >>>>>>> >> Taylor
>> >>>>>>>>> >>>>>>> >> wrote:
>> >>>>>>>>> >>>>>>> >>>
>> >>>>>>>>> >>>>>>> >>> They must exist at runtime and at local scope.
>> >>>>>>>>> >>>>>>> >>> Evaluating a
>> >>>>>>>>> >>>>>>> >>> symbol is
>> >>>>>>>>> >>>>>>> >>> impossible without a pool of defined symbols in
>> >>>>>>>>> >>>>>>> >>> various
>> >>>>>>>>> >>>>>>> >>> scopes to
>> >>>>>>>>> >>>>>>> >>> match it
>> >>>>>>>>> >>>>>>> >>> to. Unless I'm missing something?
>> >>>>>>>>> >>>>>>> >>>
>> >>>>>>>>> >>>>>>> >>> On Wednesday, July 8, 2015 at 7:26:27 PM UTC-4,
>> >>>>>>>>> >>>>>>> >>> Jameson
>> >>>>>>>>> >>>>>>> >>> wrote:
>> >>>>>>>>> >>>>>>> >>>>
>> >>>>>>>>> >>>>>>> >>>> There are global symbol tables for static analysis
>> >>>>>>>>> >>>>>>> >>>> /
>> >>>>>>>>> >>>>>>> >>>> reflection,
>> >>>>>>>>> >>>>>>> >>>> but they
>> >>>>>>>>> >>>>>>> >>>> do not exist at runtime or for the local scope.
>> >>>>>>>>> >>>>>>> >>>>
>> >>>>>>>>> >>>>>>> >>>> On Wed, Jul 8, 2015 at 7:06 PM Brandon Taylor
>> >>>>>>>>> >>>>>>> >>>> <brandon....@gmail.com>
>> >>>>>>>>> >>>>>>> >>>> wrote:
>> >>>>>>>>> >>>>>>> >>>>>
>> >>>>>>>>> >>>>>>> >>>>> Surely environments already exist somewhere inside
>> >>>>>>>>> >>>>>>> >>>>> Julia? How
>> >>>>>>>>> >>>>>>> >>>>> else could
>> >>>>>>>>> >>>>>>> >>>>> you keep track of scope? It would be simply a
>> >>>>>>>>> >>>>>>> >>>>> matter
>> >>>>>>>>> >>>>>>> >>>>> of
>> >>>>>>>>> >>>>>>> >>>>> granting users
>> >>>>>>>>> >>>>>>> >>>>> access to them. Symbol tables in a mutable
>> >>>>>>>>> >>>>>>> >>>>> language
>> >>>>>>>>> >>>>>>> >>>>> are by
>> >>>>>>>>> >>>>>>> >>>>> default mutable.
>> >>>>>>>>> >>>>>>> >>>>> It would certainly be possible only give users
>> >>>>>>>>> >>>>>>> >>>>> access
>> >>>>>>>>> >>>>>>> >>>>> to
>> >>>>>>>>> >>>>>>> >>>>> immutable
>> >>>>>>>>> >>>>>>> >>>>> reifications (which could solve a bunch of
>> >>>>>>>>> >>>>>>> >>>>> problems
>> >>>>>>>>> >>>>>>> >>>>> as is).
>> >>>>>>>>> >>>>>>> >>>>> However, it
>> >>>>>>>>> >>>>>>> >>>>> seems natural to match mutable symbol tables with
>> >>>>>>>>> >>>>>>> >>>>> mutable
>> >>>>>>>>> >>>>>>> >>>>> reifications, and
>> >>>>>>>>> >>>>>>> >>>>> immutable symbol tables with immutable
>> >>>>>>>>> >>>>>>> >>>>> reifications.
>> >>>>>>>>> >>>>>>> >>>>>
>> >>>>>>>>> >>>>>>> >>>>>
>> >>>>>>>>> >>>>>>> >>>>> On Wednesday, July 8, 2015 at 6:50:03 PM UTC-4,
>> >>>>>>>>> >>>>>>> >>>>> Brandon Taylor
>> >>>>>>>>> >>>>>>> >>>>> wrote:
>> >>>>>>>>> >>>>>>> >>>>>>
>> >>>>>>>>> >>>>>>> >>>>>> I'm not sure I understand...
>> >>>>>>>>> >>>>>>> >>>>>>
>> >>>>>>>>> >>>>>>> >>>>>> On Wednesday, July 8, 2015 at 6:24:37 PM UTC-4,
>> >>>>>>>>> >>>>>>> >>>>>> John
>> >>>>>>>>> >>>>>>> >>>>>> Myles
>> >>>>>>>>> >>>>>>> >>>>>> White wrote:
>> >>>>>>>>> >>>>>>> >>>>>>>
>> >>>>>>>>> >>>>>>> >>>>>>> Reified scope makes static analysis much too
>> >>>>>>>>> >>>>>>> >>>>>>> hard.
>> >>>>>>>>> >>>>>>> >>>>>>> Take any
>> >>>>>>>>> >>>>>>> >>>>>>> criticism
>> >>>>>>>>> >>>>>>> >>>>>>> of mutable state: they all apply to globally
>> >>>>>>>>> >>>>>>> >>>>>>> mutable symbol
>> >>>>>>>>> >>>>>>> >>>>>>> tables.
>> >>>>>>>>> >>>>>>> >>>>>>>
>> >>>>>>>>> >>>>>>> >>>>>>> On Wednesday, July 8, 2015 at 10:26:23 PM UTC+2,
>> >>>>>>>>> >>>>>>> >>>>>>> Milan
>> >>>>>>>>> >>>>>>> >>>>>>> Bouchet-Valat
>> >>>>>>>>> >>>>>>> >>>>>>> wrote:
>> >>>>>>>>> >>>>>>> >>>>>>>>
>> >>>>>>>>> >>>>>>> >>>>>>>> Le mercredi 08 juillet 2015 à 13:20 -0700,
>> >>>>>>>>> >>>>>>> >>>>>>>> Brandon
>> >>>>>>>>> >>>>>>> >>>>>>>> Taylor a
>> >>>>>>>>> >>>>>>> >>>>>>>> écrit :
>> >>>>>>>>> >>>>>>> >>>>>>>> > All functions.
>> >>>>>>>>> >>>>>>> >>>>>>>> Well, I don't know of any language which
>> >>>>>>>>> >>>>>>> >>>>>>>> doesn't
>> >>>>>>>>> >>>>>>> >>>>>>>> have
>> >>>>>>>>> >>>>>>> >>>>>>>> scoping
>> >>>>>>>>> >>>>>>> >>>>>>>> rules...
>> >>>>>>>>> >>>>>>> >>>>>>>>
>> >>>>>>>>> >>>>>>> >>>>>>>> Anyway, I didn't say scoping rules are
>> >>>>>>>>> >>>>>>> >>>>>>>> necessarily
>> >>>>>>>>> >>>>>>> >>>>>>>> confusing, I was
>> >>>>>>>>> >>>>>>> >>>>>>>> only referring to R formulas. But according to
>> >>>>>>>>> >>>>>>> >>>>>>>> the
>> >>>>>>>>> >>>>>>> >>>>>>>> examples
>> >>>>>>>>> >>>>>>> >>>>>>>> you
>> >>>>>>>>> >>>>>>> >>>>>>>> posted,
>> >>>>>>>>> >>>>>>> >>>>>>>> your question appears to be different.
>> >>>>>>>>> >>>>>>> >>>>>>>>
>> >>>>>>>>> >>>>>>> >>>>>>>>

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