after reading that, I did not expect this:

> ```julia

> julia> a=typemax(Int8)+typemax(Int8)
> -2
> julia> a=typemax(Int8)*typemax(Int8)
> 1
> julia> a=typemin(Int8)-typemax(Int8)
> 1
> ```
> ```
> On Monday, August 3, 2015 at 7:42:03 PM UTC-4, Sisyphuss wrote:
>> "integer addition... operands are promoted to Int or UInt from narrower 
>> integer types" (
>> http://docs.julialang.org/en/latest/manual/integers-and-floating-point-numbers/
>> )
>> "These catch-all rules first promote all operands to a common type " (
>> http://docs.julialang.org/en/latest/manual/conversion-and-promotion/#man-conversion-and-promotion
>> )
>> `Int8` is definitely not a subclass of `Int`, do this two assertions 
>> contradict to each other?

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