not throw -- raise

On Sun, Aug 16, 2015 at 2:59 PM, Jeffrey Sarnoff <>

> Writing customized exception, I want to include the name of a var used as
> an argument in the caller of the function generating the exception.
> I saw similiar access from a function once, and am unable to re-locate
> that.  thanks.
> function caller(potato::Int)
>     called(potato)
> end
> function called(tally::Int)
>    if tally>16
>      throw(TooMany, "$(tally) is way too many")
>   elseif tally>4
>      throw(TooMany, "$(tally) is a few more than expected.")
>   end
>   true
> end
> caller(22)
>   Error.. "caller(potato=22) is way too many" .. in (the usual)

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