's not entirely clear to me what we should do here.

On the one hand, when you ask to have the typemax(Date) formatted, it's 
currently doing what you asked, "formatting the year with 4 digits". 
Because your year in this case is greater than 4 digits, that results in 
truncation, which probably isn't what you want. But is it ok to give you 
all the digits even though you only asked for 4? I'd appreciate any other 
thoughts/input on this.

I do think the Date/DateTime parsing/formatting code needs another once 
over to polish it up, so any ideas on allowing more 
flexibility/functionality would be appreciated.


On Friday, August 28, 2015 at 9:33:25 AM UTC-6, Michael Francis wrote:
> It seems that there is an issue with typemax of dates and string 
> representation
> julia> using Dates
> julia> Dates.format(typemax( Date ),"yyyy-mm-dd" )
> "1149-12-31"
> julia> typemax( Date )
> 252522163911149-12-31
> julia> Dates.format(typemax( Date ),"yyyyyyyyyyyyyyy-mm-dd" )
> "252522163911149-12-31"
> This hidden truncation seems dangerous. Has anybody else seen this ? 

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