Thanks, that is a good pointer.

In this specific case its unfortunate that there is a keyword arg in the 
API at all, having two functions one with a mean supplied and one without 
would avoid this issue and remove the branch logic replacing it with static 

On Tuesday, September 1, 2015 at 1:02:17 PM UTC-4, Jarrett Revels wrote:
> Actually, just saw this: 
> <>. Ignore the messed up 
> @code_typed stuff in my previous reply to this thread.
> I believe the type-inference concerns are still there, however, even if 
> @code_typed doesn't correctly report them, so the fixes I listed should 
> still be useful for patching over inferencing problems with keyword 
> arguments.
> Best,
> Jarrett
> On Tuesday, September 1, 2015 at 12:49:02 PM UTC-4, Jarrett Revels wrote:
>> Related:
>> Unfortunately, as you've seen, type-variadic keyword arguments can really 
>> mess up type-inferencing. It appears that keyword argument types are pulled 
>> from the default arguments rather than those actually passed in at runtime:
>> *julia> f(x; a=1, b=2) = a*x^b*
>> *f (generic function with 1 method)*
>> *julia> f(1)*
>> *1*
>> *julia> f(1, a=(3+im), b=5.15)*
>> *3.0 + 1.0im*
>> *julia> @code_typed f(1, a=(3+im), b=5.15)*
>> *1-element Array{Any,1}:*
>> * :($(Expr(:lambda, Any[:x], 
>> Any[Any[Any[:x,Int64,0]],Any[],Any[Int64],Any[]], :(begin $(Expr(:line, 1, 
>> :none, symbol("")))*
>> *        GenSym(0) = (Base.power_by_squaring)(x::Int64,2)::Int64*
>> *        return (,(Base.mul_int)(1,GenSym(0)))::Int64*
>> *    end::Int64))))*
>> Obviously, that specific call to f does NOT return an Int64.
>> I know of only two reasonable ways to handle it at the moment:
>> 1. If you're the method author: Restrict every keyword argument to a 
>> declared, concrete type, which ensures that the argument isn't 
>> type-variadic. Yichao basically gave an example of this.
>> 2. If you're the method caller: Manually assert the return type. You can 
>> do this pretty easily in most cases using a wrapper function. 
>> Using `f` from above as an example:
>> *julia> g{X,A,B}(x::X, a::A, b::B) = f(x, a=a, b=b)::promote_type(X, A, 
>> B)*
>> *g (generic function with 2 methods)*
>> *julia> @code_typed g(1,2,3)*
>> *1-element Array{Any,1}:*
>> * :($(Expr(:lambda, Any[:x,:a,:b], 
>> Any[Any[Any[:x,Int64,0],Any[:a,Int64,0],Any[:b,Int64,0]],Any[],Any[Int64],Any[:X,:A,:B]],
>> :(begin  # none, line 1:*
>> *        return 
>> (top(typeassert))((top(kwcall))((top(getfield))(Main,:call)::F,2,:a,a::Int64,:b,b::Int64,Main.f,(top(ccall))(:jl_alloc_array_1d,(top(apply_type))(Base.Array,Any,1)::Type{Array{Any,1}},(top(svec))(Base.Any,Base.Int)::SimpleVector,Array{Any,1},0,4,0)::Array{Any,1},x::Int64),Int64)::Int64*
>> *    end::Int64))))*
>> *julia> @code_typed g(1,2,3.0)*
>> *1-element Array{Any,1}:*
>> * :($(Expr(:lambda, Any[:x,:a,:b], 
>> Any[Any[Any[:x,Int64,0],Any[:a,Int64,0],Any[:b,Float64,0]],Any[],Any[Int64],Any[:X,:A,:B]],
>> :(begin  # none, line 1:*
>> *        return 
>> (top(typeassert))((top(kwcall))((top(getfield))(Main,:call)::F,2,:a,a::Int64,:b,b::Float64,Main.f,(top(ccall))(:jl_alloc_array_1d,(top(apply_type))(Base.Array,Any,1)::Type{Array{Any,1}},(top(svec))(Base.Any,Base.Int)::SimpleVector,Array{Any,1},0,4,0)::Array{Any,1},x::Int64),Float64)::Float64*
>> *    end::Float64))))*
>> *julia> @code_typed g(1,2,3.0+im)*
>> *1-element Array{Any,1}:*
>> * :($(Expr(:lambda, Any[:x,:a,:b], 
>> Any[Any[Any[:x,Int64,0],Any[:a,Int64,0],Any[:b,Complex{Float64},0]],Any[],Any[Int64],Any[:X,:A,:B]],
>> :(begin  # none, line 1:*
>> *        return 
>> (top(typeassert))((top(kwcall))((top(getfield))(Main,:call)::F,2,:a,a::Int64,:b,b::Complex{Float64},Main.f,(top(ccall))(:jl_alloc_array_1d,(top(apply_type))(Base.Array,Any,1)::Type{Array{Any,1}},(top(svec))(Base.Any,Base.Int)::SimpleVector,Array{Any,1},0,4,0)::Array{Any,1},x::Int64),Complex{Float64})::Complex{Float64}*
>> *    end::Complex{Float64}))))*
>> Thus, downstream functions can call *f* through *g, *preventing 
>> type-instability from "bubbling up" to the calling methods (as it would if 
>> they called *f* directly).
>> Best,
>> Jarrett
>> On Tuesday, September 1, 2015 at 8:39:11 AM UTC-4, Michael Francis wrote:
>>> 2) The underlying functions are only stable if the mean passed to them 
>>> is of the correct type, e.g. a number. Essentially this is a type inference 
>>> issue, if the compiler was able to optimize  the branches then it would be 
>>> likely be ok, it looks from the LLVM code that this is not the case today. 
>>> FWIW using a type stable version (e.g. directly calling covm) looks to 
>>> be about 18% faster for small (100 element) AbstractArray pairs. 
>>> On Monday, August 31, 2015 at 9:06:58 PM UTC-4, Sisyphuss wrote:
>>>> IMO:
>>>> 1) This is called keyword argument (not named optional argument).
>>>> 2) The returned value depends only on `corzm`, and `corm`. If these two 
>>>> functions are type stable, then `cor` is type stable.
>>>> 3) I'm not sure whether this is the "correct" way to write this 
>>>> function.
>>>> On Monday, August 31, 2015 at 11:48:37 PM UTC+2, Michael Francis wrote:
>>>>> The following is taken from statistics.jl line 428 
>>>>>     function cor(x::AbstractVector, y::AbstractVector; mean=nothing)
>>>>>         mean == 0 ? corzm(x, y) :
>>>>>         mean == nothing ? corm(x, Base.mean(x), y, Base.mean(y)) :
>>>>>         isa(mean, (Number,Number)) ? corm(x, mean[1], y, mean[2]) :
>>>>>         error("Invalid value of mean.")
>>>>>     end
>>>>> due to the 'mean' initially having a type of 'Nothing' I am unable to 
>>>>> inference the return type of the function - the following will return Any 
>>>>> for the return type.
>>>>>     rt = {}
>>>>>     for x in Base._methods(f,types,-1)
>>>>>         linfo = x[3].func.code
>>>>>         (tree, ty) = Base.typeinf(linfo, x[1], x[2])
>>>>>         push!(rt, ty)
>>>>>     end
>>>>> Each of the underlying functions are type stable when called directly. 
>>>>> Code lowered doesn't give much of a pointer to what will actually 
>>>>> happen here, 
>>>>> julia> code_lowered( cor, ( Vector{Float64}, Vector{Float64} ) )
>>>>> 1-element Array{Any,1}:
>>>>>  :($(Expr(:lambda, {:x,:y}, {{},{{:x,:Any,0},{:y,:Any,0}},{}}, :(begin 
>>>>> $(Expr(:line, 429, symbol("statistics.jl"), symbol("")))
>>>>>         return __cor#195__(nothing,x,y)
>>>>>     end))))
>>>>> If I re-write with a regular optional arg for the mean 
>>>>> code_lowered( cordf, ( Vector{Float64}, Vector{Float64}, Nothing ) )
>>>>> 1-element Array{Any,1}:
>>>>>  :($(Expr(:lambda, {:x,:y,:mean}, {{},{{:x,:Any,0},{:y,:Any,0},{:mean
>>>>> ,:Any,0}},{}}, :(begin  # none, line 2:
>>>>>         unless mean == 0 goto 0
>>>>>         return corzm(x,y)
>>>>>         0: 
>>>>>         unless mean == nothing goto 1
>>>>>         return corm(x,((top(getfield))(Base,:mean))(x),y,((top(
>>>>> getfield))(Base,:mean))(y))
>>>>>         1: 
>>>>>         unless isa(mean,(top(tuple))(Number,Number)) goto 2
>>>>>         return corm(x,getindex(mean,1),y,getindex(mean,2))
>>>>>         2: 
>>>>>         return error("Invalid value of mean.")
>>>>>     end))))
>>>>> The LLVM code does not look very clean, If I have a real type for the 
>>>>> mean (say Float64 ) it looks better  88 lines vs 140 
>>>>> julia> code_llvm( cor, ( Vector{Float64}, Vector{Float64}, Nothing ) )
>>>>> define %jl_value_t* @julia_cordf_20322(%jl_value_t*, %jl_value_t*, %
>>>>> jl_value_t*) {
>>>>> top:
>>>>>   %3 = alloca [7 x %jl_value_t*], align 8
>>>>>   %.sub = getelementptr inbounds [7 x %jl_value_t*]* %3, i64 0, i64 0
>>>>>   %4 = getelementptr [7 x %jl_value_t*]* %3, i64 0, i64 2, !dbg !949
>>>>>   store %jl_value_t* inttoptr (i64 10 to %jl_value_t*), %jl_value_t** 
>>>>> %.sub, align 8
>>>>>   %5 = getelementptr [7 x %jl_value_t*]* %3, i64 0, i64 1, !dbg !949
>>>>>   %6 = load %jl_value_t*** @jl_pgcstack, align 8, !
>>>>> ...

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