Do others get this warning? If so, what modification of Mike's macro avoids 

WARNING: deprecated syntax "{a,b, ...}".
Use "Any[a,b, ...]" instead.

On Thursday, September 3, 2015 at 8:12:50 PM UTC-4, Jeffrey Sarnoff wrote:
> tip o' hat to that
> this minor edit, omitting {Any,Any} (following Jeff B's note) gives back 
> some autotyping 
>  function procmap(d)
>          @capture(d, {xs__}) || return d
>          :(Dict($(map(prockey, xs)...)))
>        end
> On Thursday, September 3, 2015 at 4:40:54 PM UTC-4, Mike Innes wrote:
>> FWIW I mocked up a json syntax macro:
>> using MacroTools, Lazy
>> import MacroTools: prewalk
>> function prockey(key)
>>   @capture(key, (a_:b_) | (a_=>b_)) || error("Invalid json key $key")
>>   isa(a, Symbol) && (a = Expr(:quote, a))
>>   :($a=>$b)
>> end
>> function procmap(d)
>>   @capture(d, {xs__}) || return d
>>   :(Dict{Any, Any}($(map(prockey, xs)...)))
>> end
>> macro json(ex)
>>   @>> ex prewalk(procmap) esc
>> end
>> Michael's original example becomes:
>> data = @json {
>>         displayrows: 20,
>>         cols: [
>>                     { col: "l1" },
>>                     { col: "l2" },
>>                     { col: "l3" },
>>                     { col: "num", display: true },
>>                     { col: "sum", display: true, conf: { style: 1, func: 
>> { method: "sum", col: "num"  } } }
>>                 ]
>>       # ...
>>     }
>> You might argue that it's actually nicer than the original.
>> On Thu, 3 Sep 2015 at 21:22 Scott Jones <> wrote:
>>> Another use is marking off the keyword arguments or parameters.
>>> On Thursday, September 3, 2015 at 3:11:34 PM UTC-4, Jonathan Malmaud 
>>> wrote:
>>>> What are the other uses of ; in Julia? I can only think of suppressing 
>>>> output on the REPL and separating expressions on a single line - neither 
>>>> seems inconsistent or really related at all to the use within []. 
>>>> On Thursday, September 3, 2015 at 3:06:22 PM UTC-4, Scott Jones wrote:
>>>>> On Thursday, September 3, 2015 at 1:47:07 PM UTC-4, Sean Marshallsay 
>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>> [1:10;] is simply a consequence of matrix literal syntax (like [1:10; 
>>>>>> 11:20]) and gets translated into vcat(1:10). It might be a bit confusing 
>>>>>> but there's no point in making it a special case
>>>>> Yes, I understand that, and that too is not consistent with the use of 
>>>>> ; outside of [ ].
>>>>> spaces, colon, semicolon, and commas are all treated specially instead 
>>>>> of [ ], which can be rather confusing.
>>>>> Some of that special behavior is being deprecated, but some remains.

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