julia> remotecall_fetch(2, whos, )
>From worker 2:                    ArrayViews    137 KB     Module : 
>From worker 2:                AutoHashEquals   5345 bytes  Module : 
>From worker 2:                          Base  20321 KB     Module : Base
>From worker 2:                        Compat     25 KB     Module : Compat
>From worker 2:                          Core   2741 KB     Module : Core
>From worker 2:                     FactCheck     34 KB     Module : 
>From worker 2:                          GZip    250 KB     Module : GZip
>From worker 2:                 GraphMatrices    294 KB     Module : 
>From worker 2:                   LightGraphs    296 KB     Module : 
>From worker 2:                      LightXML     35 KB     Module : LightXML
>From worker 2:                          Main  25038 KB     Module : Main
>From worker 2:              ParserCombinator    206 KB     Module : 
>From worker 2:                     StatsBase    342 KB     Module : 
>From worker 2:                     StatsFuns    348 KB     Module : 

Nothing showing the 10.30GB Activity Monitor is showing for this instance.

On Wednesday, September 9, 2015 at 2:06:15 AM UTC-7, Nils Gudat wrote:
> I think whos() should help you, it'll give a list of all objects defined, 
> as well as their size in memory. If you run it as remotecall_fetch(2, whos, 
> ), where 2 is the number of the worker process (of course you could pick 
> any number returned by procs()), you should be able to figure out what's 
> taking up the space in memory.
> Let me know if this works!

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