I was trying to save a matrix of *88000 x 88000* distances on a *Symmetric *but 
I got an *OutOfMemoryError*. Trying to use a sparse matrix solves the 
memory problem, but takes more than 12 hours to finish. So I create this 
package (https://github.com/diegozea/PairedListMatrices.jl) for solve this 
problem. I'm my case, a paired list fits in memory since uses* N*(N-1)/2 
of *N*N* and I can fill all the distances into the list in 25 min. The list 
representation is fast, since is compact in memory and cache efficient. 
This package allows you to use the paired list as a matrix.
I hope it will be useful for the Julia community. Please let me know 
comments, wish lists, etc.

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