On Thu, Sep 17, 2015, at 02:31 PM, Tom Breloff wrote:
> f{T<:AbstractInnerType}(x::AbstractOuterType{T}) = <do something with T>

I don't quite see how to map that onto my problem (forgive me if I'm
just being dense). I have 3  types: Foo1{N, T} <: AbstractFoo{N, T} <:
AbstractArray{T, 2}

and I want to define a method (in this case getindex) that accepts any
subtype of AbstractFoo{N, T}. If the given instance is a Foo1{N, T} I
want to call the constructor Foo1(someval). If the instance was a
Foo2{N, T} then I'd want to call Foo2(someval). I think the tricky bit
is accepting a Foo1{N, T} and just extracting the Foo1 part of it. I
think that my first attempt:

Base.getindex{BT{N, T} <: AbstractFoo{N, T}}(foo::BT, I...) =

Gets across what I'm trying to do, but is not legal.

Maybe a clearer way to state the underlying problem is:

given Foo1{N, T} <: AbstractFoo{N, T} Foo1{1, Int} is a subtype of both
Foo1 and AbstractFoo{1, Int} super(Foo1{1, Int}) returns AbstractFoo{1,
Int}, but I want something that gives me Foo1.

Thanks for the help, sorry this seems pretty in-the-weeds.

> However I would be very careful attaching a parameter N to the number
> of columns of an array.  Unless you are sure you'll only have a small
> handful of unique values, you risk creating tons and tons of
> different types, all requiring specialized compilation of every
> function they touch.

Re: parameterizing on N - I'm using this for multichannel audio signals,
so the vast majority of the time N will be 1 or 2, sometimes 4 or 8.
Even if it's a different number, I expect usage will be grouped such
that there won't be a whole lot of different channel counts in the same
application. That said, it's part of the design that I'm not 100% sure
on, so once I get further down the line I may go back on it.


> On Thu, Sep 17, 2015 at 2:10 PM, Spencer Russell
> <s...@media.mit.edu> wrote:
>> __
>> I think my question boils down to: "How do I define a method catches
>> any subtype of a parametric supertype, but access the unparameterized
>> part of the subtype within the function body?"
>> Say I have this type:
>> abstract AbstractFoo{N, T} <: AbstractArray{T, 2}
>> type Foo1{N, T} <: AbstractFoo{N, T}    data::Array{T, 2} end
>> Foo1{T}(arr::AbstractArray{T, 2}) = Foo1{size(arr, 2), T}(arr)
>> So the Foo1 outer constructor sets the type parameter N based on the
>> number of columns of the contained array.
>> When indexed by a Range, I want the returned value to be wrapped in a
>> Foo1 type, but it might be parameterized with a different value for
>> N, but I can't figure out the right type definition. The plan is to
>> catch types that are a subtype of Foo, but call the outer constructor
>> to build the result value.
>> I've tried:
>> Base.getindex{BT{N, T} <: AbstractFoo{N, T}}(foo::BT, I...) =
>> BT(foo.data[I...])
>> but apparently that has a malformed type parameter list.
>> I've also tried
>> Base.getindex{BT <: AbstractFoo}(foo::BT, I::Idx...) =
>> BT(foo.data[I...])
>> But that doesn't get called because Foo1{N, T} is not a subtype of
>> AbstractFoo.
>> What does work is defining
>> Base.getindex(foo::Foo1, I::Idx...) = Foo1(foo.data[I...])
>> But then I have to define the getindex method for each concrete
>> subtype of AbstractFoo.
>> Thanks for any help. It's possible that these gymnastics are a sign
>> that I just shouldn't parameterize on N and do any necessary checks
>> at runtime, but it feels like I'm close on this one.
>> -s

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