Hi all,

There has been some discussion here 
<https://github.com/JuliaWeb/HttpServer.jl/issues/74> about changing the 
signature of HttpHandler.handle from f(req, res) to f(req).

The purpose is to make the functionality of an application clearer. That 
is, an application is a function that takes in a Request and returns a 

function app(req::Request)
    ...    # do stuff here
    res    # Response typeend

There is some support for the idea among the web stack devs and no 
objections...so far.

Before making the change I'd like to get a sense of how disruptive this 
might be for users of the Julia web stack. So the two questions are:

1) What problems will this change cause?

2) The proposal is to deprecate the current signature such that both f(req, 
res) and f(req)will work in Julia 0.4, but only f(req) will work in Julia 

Nothing is set in stone yet so please speak up if this is a cause for 



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