I'd like to create an array of a certain type.  The basic code looks as 

Type T
b = Array{T}(3)

Basically I wish  b[1], b[2], b[3] to be of the same type T.

I'm using Julia within the Atom editor.  The last line of code causes Julia 
to hang and produces the following error "Julia Client – Internal Error
UndefRefError: access to undefined reference
in yieldto at 
in wait at 
(repeats 3 times)
[inlined code] from /Users/me/.julia/v0.4/Lazy/src/dynamic.jl:69
in anonymous at /Users/me/.julia/v0.4/Atom/src/eval.jl:44
[inlined code] from /Users/me/.julia/v0.4/Atom/src/comm.jl:23
in anonymous at task.jl:63

The same code works just fine under command line Julia (0.4.0-rc2).

Any help will be appreciated, including how to have a clean slate 
reinstallation (either Juno or Atom) that just works.

I'm relatively new to Julia.  I was using Julia under Juno until Juno broke 
down with no fix after I tried.  Reinstallation didn't help (several other 
people had similar problems, see 
https://groups.google.com/d/topic/julia-users/ntOb9HNm0ac/discussion).  I 
then switched to Atom and still has problems.

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