I'm trying to find out why Cairo.jl/text_path() doesn't work for me, but 
seems to work for others. If you have Cairo.jl installed, could you run the 
sample_text.jl test file:

    $ julia ~/.julia/v0.4/Cairo/samples/sample_text.jl

There are lots of deprecations, but — the output file is called 
sample_text.png (probably created in your current directory) — if the test 
is successful, you'll see the words "Hello" and "Void". But on my system 
(MacOS X El Capitan, Julia v0.4.0 (2015-10-08 06:20 UTC) freshly installed) 
I only see "Hello", plus a bunch of collapsed glyphs, because text_path() 
doesn't work for me. I'd really like to know whether anyone else shares 
this problem or whether it's just me. :)

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