On Friday, October 23, 2015 at 6:18:43 AM UTC-5, Kris De Meyer wrote:
> ...and then the only thing Julia will have going for it is that it's free. 
> But my cost to my employers is such that if I lose as little as 3 days a 
> year on compatibility issues, they would be better off paying for a Matlab 
> license... 

It's not quite that simple--if I have a problem with something in MATLAB, I 
file a bug report. The issue may (or may not) be fixed in 3-6 months, with 
the next release. If I'm lucky I catch problems in prereleases--but that's 
also time I have to spend to install the prerelease and test the fragile 
parts of the process. This isn't hypothetical; we've skipped entire 
releases which have variously broken code generation. (Full disclosure, we 
haven't seen such problems with MATLAB proper, but deployment with Coder is 
essential for what we do.)

But if something broke in Julia, there's a chance I can fix it. Free 
software matters.


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