Interesting answers :)

But the problem is not filling an array with constant values, but filling 
an array with a comprehension :)
I can change the

p = [ a/Nb for i in 1:Nb]

line with some other thing and still get the same answer. For instance:
a = 0.8;
Nb = 100;
p = [ i*1.0/Nb for i in 1:Nb]

still produces Array{Any,1}

On Monday, October 26, 2015 at 11:35:06 AM UTC+1, Ferran Mazzanti wrote:
> Hi folks, 
> I try to create an array of constant float64 values. Something I did was:
> a = 0.8;
> Nb = 100;
> p = zeros(Nb)
> for i in 1:Nb
> p[i] = a/Nb
> end
> and typeof(p) returns
> Array{Float64,1}
> so far, so good :)
> But now I do the following instead to shorten things:
> a = 0.8;
> Nb = 100;
> p = [ a/Nb for i in 1:Nb]
> and typeof(p) returns
> Array{Any,1}
> which is *big* pain since I obviously wanted to create an array of floats. 
> So the questions are:
> a) Is this behaviour normal/ expected?
> b) If so, why is it? What is the logic of that? Isn't it true that the 
> normal behaviour, in the statistical sense of what *most* people would 
> expect, is to 
> get floats right away? Or am I missing something?
> I know I can always write 
> p = float64( [ a/Nb for i in 1:Nb ] )
> but anyway...
> Cheers,
> Ferran.
> Array{Float64,1}

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