You are right. My tunnel vision strikes again. That's what happens when one works with a hammer all day; all I see is nails :-)

On 2015-11-14 23:54, Andrei wrote:
I wouldn't restrict big data analytics to machine learning - it also includes SQL queries and visualization, real-time data enrichment, ETL, etc. I don't think Julia ML ecosystem by itself will ever expand to these areas.

On Sun, Nov 15, 2015 at 1:43 AM, Christof Stocker < <>> wrote:

    A pure Julia ML ecosystem is something that is actively being
    worked on/towards. Naturally large problem sizes are one big
    reason that people are interested in working on this. It just
    takes time to flesh it out to something that people are used to
    from languages like python or R. As I see it, Julia is different
    and offers unique opportunities for connecting research,
    education, and application. It is an interesting journey to figure
    out how to get the most out of what the language has to offer.

    On 2015-11-14 23:20, Andrei wrote:

        All of these makes me think that similar framework for big
        data analytics written in pure Julia could bypass many of
        these issues and generate more interest in Julia community. I
        wonder if somebody would want to take part in such a challenge.

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