Hello colleagues,

On Wednesday, November 25, 2015 at 12:34:46 AM UTC+1, Randy Zwitch wrote:
> I can't believe that a few hundred lines of code, with 5-8 colors a piece 
> is going to do anything to load times. I was just concerned about adding 
> frivolity to Colors.jl, since it has so much cited research that goes along 
> with it. That, and given that ColorBrewer.jl exists separate from Colors.jl 
> made it seem like Colors.jl might already be in a steady-state.

When i worked on this:
i also wondered, if it would make sense to give Color[s] an interface to 
load additional color palettes and/or functions that create palettes. I'm a 
little bit reluctant to have data only in packages


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