Good to know. I also saw there's another related one where Steven reported 
an almost identical code 

On Wednesday, December 9, 2015 at 11:03:45 AM UTC-5, Isaiah wrote:
> Something weird/unexpected does seem to be going on here:
> There are some other edge cases like this where otherwise-top-level 
> expressions fail (essentially: the lowered code contains a `goto`, which 
> the interpreter doesn't support. so the thunk is sent to the JIT instead, 
> which can't yet handle `using`)
> see e.g.
> On Wed, Dec 9, 2015 at 10:50 AM, Josh Langsfeld < 
> <javascript:>> wrote:
>> But an if statement does not introduce new scope, correct?
>> Something weird/unexpected does seem to be going on here:
>> julia> VERSION
>> v"0.5.0-dev+1491"
>> julia> if true
>>          using Compat
>>          println("Using")  
>>          foreach(println, 1:3)
>>        end
>> Using
>> 1
>> 2
>> 3
>> julia> if true
>>          using Compat
>>          println("Using")  
>>          for i=1:3
>>            println(i)
>>          end
>>        end
>> ERROR: error compiling anonymous: unsupported or misplaced expression 
>> "using" in function anonymous
>>  in eval at ./boot.jl:263
>> On Wednesday, December 9, 2015 at 10:22:51 AM UTC-5, Steven G. Johnson 
>> wrote:
>>> A using statement affects the global scope, so it doesn't make a lot of 
>>> sense to evaluate it in local scope. That's why it's not allowed. The eval 
>>> function evaluates in global scope, so it can execute a using statement. 
>>> In general, though, if you are eval'ing a using statement, you should 
>>> probably reorganize your code to do the using directly in global scope. For 
>>> example, put your code into a module if you want to keep the using 
>>> statement isolated from other code. 

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