I'm trying to learn a bit more Julia by solving the puzzles over 
on http://adventofcode.com
On day 3, the problem is to follow a number of directions and figure out 
how many new places you end up.

I thought I can solve this simply by defining a set of [x y] positions, 
each time adding a new grid position to the set, so I'd end up with a Set{ 
Array{Int64,2}} of the right length.
However, this doesn't work as expected. I get the wrong number (it's too 

Wrapping each grid position into a string() call, however, gives me the 
right answer. 
The explanation is a bit convoluted. To avoid spoilers I've put the code up 
at https://gist.github.com/jstrube/3d54e15f7d051b72032b

I don't quite understand this. Is this expected?

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