Stefan said that your code is well type (type stable). Have you tried 
Yichao's suggestions?

Here is the function ground() taking them into account:

function ground()
    R = 320.
    Ks = 2^11 - 1
    x = linspace(-R, R, Ks+1)
    dx = 2R/Ks
    dt = 0.1
    pm = 2π/2dx
    px = circshift( linspace(-pm, pm, Ks+1),  round(Int64, Ks/2) )

    V = Float64[Potential(ix, iy)  for ix in x, iy in x]
    ko = Float64[e^(-dt/4* (Ko(ipx,ipy))) for ipx in px, ipy in px]
    ko2 = ko.^2
    vo = Float64[e^(-dt* (Potential(ix,iy))) for ix in x, iy in x]
    ϕ = Array(Complex128,(Ks+1,Ks+1))
    Pl = plan_fft!(ϕ; flags=FFTW.MEASURE)
    for i in eachindex(ϕ); ϕ[i] = V[i]; end # Conversion is automatic here

    invnormphi = 1. / (sqrt(sumabs2(ϕ))*dx)
    scale!(ϕ, invnormphi)

    Pl * ϕ # No need to assign to ϕ
    for i in eachindex(ϕ); ϕ[i] *= ko[i]; end
    Pl \ ϕ

    ϕ′ = similar(ϕ)

    Δϕ = 1.
    nstep = 0
    println("start loop")
    while Δϕ > 1.e-15
        copy!(ϕ′, ϕ)
        for i in eachindex(ϕ), ϕ[i] *= vo[i]; end

        invnormphi = 1. / (sqrt(sumabs2(ϕ))*dx)
        scale!(ϕ, invnormphi)

        Pl * ϕ
        for i in eachindex(ϕ); ϕ[i] *= ko2[i]; end
        Pl \ ϕ
# if check  Δϕ for every step, 35s is needed.
        if nstep>500
            Δϕ = maxabs(ϕ-ϕ′)
        nstep += 1
        if mod(nstep,200)==0
            print(nstep,"  ")

    for i in eachindex(ϕ); ϕ[i] *= vo[i]; end

    Pl * ϕ
    for i in eachindex(ϕ); ϕ[i] *= ko[i]; end
    Pl \ ϕ

    invnormphi = 1. / (sqrt(sumabs2(ϕ))*dx)
    scale!(ϕ, invnormphi)

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