Also as Ray pointed out, if subtypes returned a union, it would not be
returning a collection of types as the name would suggest but rather a
single type.

On Tue, Jan 5, 2016 at 9:42 AM, Stefan Karpinski <>

> The notion of types as sets of values and subtyping as a subset relation
> is not quite so simple as it initially sounds. The issue is that unlike the
> world of mathematics, programs aren't static and fixed forever. If we just
> the subset notion at face value, we'd get this sort of thing:
> abstract A
> @assert A == Union{}
> type B end
> @assert A == Union{B} == B
> type C end
> @assert A == Union{B,C}
> type D end
> @assert A == Union{B,C,D}
> Obviously that's not what we want. But at each point in time, A the set of
> types that are subtypes of A is equal that union of concrete types. The
> trouble is that the collection of subtypes of A can and does change over
> time. And even if it were fixed for the duration of a particular version of
> a program, as it would be in static language, we still wouldn't want A to
> be equal to union of its subtypes because programs themselves evolve: if at
> some point in the future, someone added a new subtype to A (and of course,
> allowing that is the whole point of A being abstract in the first place),
> then that introduction of a subtype would change previously valid assertion
> about the identity of A, which is not good at all.
> So the notion of subtyping as a subset relation must be more subtle than
> sets of currently existing types. Instead, it's about about sets of
> potential types: any union of concrete subtypes of A is a strict subtype of
> A because the potential exists to add more subtypes of A. The identity of a
> type is the set of potential values it *could* contain and a type is a
> subtype of another if any value it could ever contain would also have to be
> a value of the other type.
> This is why returning a union of subtypes is weird, pointless and arguably
> wrong. What is the meaning of that union? It's a snapshot that currently
> has all of the same subtypes as A but may or may not in the future. What
> are you going to do with this union? The only sane thing to do with it is
> iterate over its contents to do something for each individual subtype *right
> now* – treating it as an approximation of A is broken and incorrect for
> exactly the reasons that we don't consider this union to be equal to A.
> On Mon, Jan 4, 2016 at 11:32 PM, Ismael VC <>
> wrote:
>> Just my thoughts:
>>    - You can’t have Set{R, S} only Set{T}, Set{DataType}([R, S]) for
>>    example.
>>    - The moment you want to dispatch on those subtypes you would need to
>>    do something like Union{Ts...}, where Ts is an array or set of such
>>    subtypes.
>>    - Union{R, S} == Union{S, R} is true.
>>    - Base.length(u::Union) = length(u.types) for cardinality.
>> It’s an interesting thought experiment! :D
>> ​
>> Ismael Venegas Castelló
>> *Data Analyst*
>> Cel. 044 55 6434 0229
>> Cerro San Francisco 357, C.P. 04200
>> Campestre Churubusco, Coyoacán
>> Ciudad de México
>> <>
>> <>
>> <>
>>   <>
>> Tel. 6718 1818
>> 2016-01-04 21:04 GMT-06:00 Ray Toal <>:
>>> All good, but I just can't see it. If I have:
>>> julia> abstract T
>>> julia> type S <: T; end
>>> julia> type R <: T; end
>>> and I ask "What are the subtypes of T?" I would expect to get back either
>>> [S,R]
>>> or
>>> [R,S]
>>> or even
>>> Set{R,S}
>>> because each of those things have cardinality 2. Because there are 2
>>> subsets of T. If instead I were to get back the value
>>> Union{R,S}
>>> then that would be answering the question "What are the subtypes of T?"
>>> with the answer "This SINGLE type whose values are all the same as the
>>> original type." That I **can't** understand (and would be surprised if Jeff
>>> would), but if everyone else thinks it makes sense, no worries! We can
>>> disagree. Our expectations might differ on this.
>>> I thought it was a fun thought experiment to begin with....
>>> Thanks for the discussion.
>>> On Monday, January 4, 2016 at 5:48:53 PM UTC-8, Ismael Venegas Castelló
>>> wrote:
>>>> After watching the video: *Jeff Bezanzon: Julia - The base language,
>>>> future directions and speculations
>>>> <> *as Scott mentions,
>>>> returning a Union type indeed starts to make sense to me.
>>>> El sábado, 2 de enero de 2016, 13:09:43 (UTC-6), Scott Jones escribió:
>>>>> Going by Jeff's JuliaCon 2015 talk, and the code in
>>>>> examples/JuliaTypes.jl, I think returning the subtypes as a set of types
>>>>> (which is the same as a union of types) makes perfect sense.
>>>>> I'm hoping that this change does make it into 0.5, I think it does
>>>>> clean up a lot of bad corner cases in the current type system (which Jeff
>>>>> also mentioned in his talk)
>>>>> On Tuesday, December 29, 2015 at 5:45:51 PM UTC-5, Ray Toal wrote:
>>>>>> But maybe I'm not understanding this correctly? Was it suggested that
>>>>>> a type union be the result of the subtypes method? I don't think that 
>>>>>> makes
>>>>>> sense.... The subtypes of a type is a set of types, not a type (even if
>>>>>> that type were the union of all the subtypes). It strikes me as a little
>>>>>> odd, but I may have misheard, or there might me an interpretation of it
>>>>>> that I haven't thought about.
>>>>>> On Tuesday, December 29, 2015 at 7:02:41 AM UTC-8, Scott Jones wrote:
>>>>>>> Yes! 😄 I was hoping that Jeff had implemented something super fast
>>>>>>> for type unions.

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