Sorry, I meant:

Base.isless(s1::State, s2::State) = isless(s1.a, s2.a) || (s1.a == s2.a && 
isless(s1.b, s2.b))

On Friday, January 8, 2016 at 7:56:51 PM UTC+9, Kenta Sato wrote:
> The priority queue in Base is different from priority queues in other 
> languages.
> I think you can use a plain priority queue (or heap) defined the 
> DataStructures.jl package.
> To pair priority and state, `priority => state` would be helpful. This 
> paired values are ordered by the first element (priority) and then the 
> second element (state). So you can push and pop according to the priority.
> Here is an example:
> julia> Base.isless(s1::State, s2::State) = isless(s1.a, s1.a) || (s1.a == 
> s2.b && isless(s
> 1.a, s2.b))
> isless (generic function with 32 methods)
> julia> h = binary_minheap(Pair{Int,State})
> DataStructures.BinaryHeap{Pair{Int64,State},DataStructures.LessThan}(
> DataStructures.LessTh
> an(),Pair{Int64,State}[])
> julia> push!(h, 4 => State(5, 3))
> julia> push!(h, 2 => State(5, 3))
> julia> top(h)
> 2=>State(5,3)
> julia> pop!(h)
> 2=>State(5,3)
> julia> top(h)
> 4=>State(5,3)
> On Friday, January 8, 2016 at 6:32:11 PM UTC+9, Tomas Lycken wrote:
>> I tried this today:
>> immutable State
>>     a::Int
>>     b::Int
>> end
>> import Base.Collections: PriorityQueue, enqueue!, dequeue!, peek
>> pq = PriorityQueue(Int,Int)
>> enqueue!(pq, State(5,3), 4)
>> enqueue!(pq, State(5,3), 2)
>> but it fails with the error
>> LoadError: ArgumentError: PriorityQueue keys must be unique
>> I assume this is because the states are immutable, and thus compare equal 
>> if all their values compare equal. Is there a way to make a priority queue 
>> insert the same state on several priorities, i.e. to support my example 
>> above?
>> // T
>> ​

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