Hi, Elmo,

Thank you for using our Bio.jl package.

I guess that is because you didn't run `using Bio.Seq` before opening a 
FASTA file. Types and functions related to biological sequences are defined 
in the`Bio.Seq` module, not `Bio`.
And, you don't have to install neither Colm nor Ragel in order to use 
Bio.jl. Those tools are required only when you need to write your own 
Ragel-based parser. The FASTA parser generated from Ragel is already 
bundled in Bio.jl.

On Sunday, January 17, 2016 at 2:46:51 PM UTC+9, St Elmo Wilken wrote:
> Hi,
> I am brand new to the Bio package and wanted to play with it a bit. I have 
> some transcription data in a FASTA file which I want to read. Based on the 
> docs I tried:
> stream = open("somefile.fasta", FASTA)
> but all this generates is  
> ERROR: UndefVarError: FASTA not defined
> Am I doing something wrong?
> Also, do I need to have colm and ragel installed for Bio to work?
> Thanks!

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