This may be an off-the-topic suggestion, but Spacemacs with ESS layer is 
almost an IDE to me.
I started to use it a few days ago (so I may missing something important) 
and found it includes features like:

* REPL integration
* Completing names from imported modules
* Document viewer
* etc.

I believe it is worth checking if you have never tried it.

On Friday, September 19, 2014 at 5:58:26 PM UTC+9, Ján Dolinský wrote:
> Hello guys,
> After upgrading to Julia 0.3.0 Julia Studio stopped working (I changed the 
> symbolic links in Julia Studio directory but nevertheless ...). Can 
> somebody suggest any workaround ? Is it true that Julia Studio will not 
> support newer versions of Julia ?
> What are you guys using now ? 
> Thanks a lot,
> Jan 

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