Hi Christopher,

Regarding to the limitations of your machine, you could consider using
CloudArray.jl (https://github.com/gsd-ufal/CloudArray.jl) and their cloud
platform CloudArrayBox (http://cloudarraybox.cloudapp.net/)

Hope it helps,


On 26 January 2016 at 18:41, Christopher Fisher <fishe...@miamioh.edu>

> Perhaps if its a precompling issue, it would be faster if I precomplied
> with a smaller distributed array. I'll try that and report back in the next
> day or two.
> On Tuesday, January 26, 2016 at 12:28:21 PM UTC-5, Christopher Fisher
> wrote:
>> Thanks for the idea. It may not apply in my particular case. I forgot to
>> mention that my memory is 32GB on the machine I am using. So swapping with
>> the hard drive does not seem likely.
>> Given that the second execution of the function is much faster (1 second
>> vs 5 min), my best guess is that the long initial run might be due to
>> compiling.
>> On Tuesday, January 26, 2016 at 12:12:41 PM UTC-5, nae...@ic.ufal.br
>> wrote:
>>> Hello Christopher,
>>> I saw you code and you noticed you are reading all the data(3GB)
>>> locally, maybe it's causing your machine to use swap memory, which leads to
>>> the performance issue.
>>> You can check that by
>>> 1: open htop in one terminal (apt-get install -y htop)
>>> 2: run your application
>>> 3: check the memory usage on htop, if it use 100% of memory, then the
>>> machine will start to swap
>>> Please, correct me if I'm wrong.

Um axé! :)

Charles Novaes de Santana, PhD

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