I think it would be nice to be able to undefine a type, so restarting the 
environment is not required when adding or deleting an attribute from a 
type description.  Not being able to update a type definition without 
restarting the environment is a royal pain in the ass.

On Saturday, March 8, 2014 at 9:55:37 AM UTC-8, Freddy Chua wrote:
> Suppose I have a Type
> type Foo
>   a
>   b
> end
> f = Foo(1,2)
> f.a = 1
> f.b = 2
> how do I test whether f.a is defined
> I do this isdefined(f, 1) but isdefined(f, 'a') does not work
> another question
> how do i undefine f.a such that isdefined(f,1) now returns false

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