James, that's great. 

I'd say the most efficient way of doing this is if I finish the API and you 
do the REPL package for querying the API and displaying the results. We can 
discuss the data and the structure of the responses and I can provide you 
with mock responses, so you won't have to wait while I develop the API. 

We can catch up over email, I'll follow up with more details. 

miercuri, 30 martie 2016, 14:19:24 UTC+2, James Fairbanks a scris:
> I am interested in this project and have some time on my hands over the 
> next few weeks.
> On Wednesday, March 30, 2016 at 5:55:16 AM UTC-4, Adrian Salceanu wrote:
>> I begun working on such a tool a few weeks ago. 
>> A) It goes over the METADATA (https://github.com/JuliaLang/METADATA.jl) 
>> for all the registered packages and then B) uses the GitHub API to get the 
>> README and additional stats (contributions, stars, followers, etc). 
>> Planning on C) exposing this as a REST-ful API and D) building a package 
>> that can be used from the REPL to search for packages using the API. 
>> A and B are done (though not entirely production ready yet) - C and D are 
>> yet to come. 
>> I'm building this as an application of a bigger project I'm working on - 
>> a full stack web framework. This is going to take more time (I have the ORM 
>> at 90% with basic controllers support and routing and serving via Mux) but 
>> I can extract just the requirements for this and make it available in a few 
>> weeks. 
>> If anybody wants to contribute with ideas or dev time, I'd be happy to 
>> set up a repo ASAP. 
>> marți, 20 ianuarie 2015, 16:32:45 UTC+1, Iain Dunning a scris:
>>> Just noticed on http://pkg.julialang.org/pulse.html that we are at 499 
>>> registered packages with at least one version tagged that are Julia 0.4-dev 
>>> compatible (493 on Julia 0.3).
>>> Thanks to all the package developers for their efforts in growing the 
>>> Julia package ecosystem!

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