Considering the existing append! is pretty loose wrt the items being 
appended, a simple extension to the signature might work:

append!{T}(a::Array{T,1}, items::Union{AbstractVector,Tuple})

You could extend this yourself to try it out.

On Thursday, April 14, 2016 at 4:07:45 AM UTC+10, Davide Lasagna wrote:

> Hi all,
> I need to extend a vector with contents from n-tuples i generate 
> iteratively. Currently 
> append!(a::Vector{T}, items::NTuple{N, T})
> is not defined, whereas the method 
> append!{T}(a::Array{T,1}, items::AbstractVector)
> exists and is defined in array.jl. 
> Anyone finds this useful to justify opening a pull request? What would be 
> a good implementation?

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