Hi Michele,

I'll reply to this in ApproxFun's Gitter, which is is a better forum for 
ApproxFun specific questions.


On Tuesday, May 3, 2016 at 6:55:07 PM UTC+10, Michele Zaffalon wrote:
> Hello,
> I am confused by `ApproxFun.TensorSpace`. I understand the following.
> dom1, dom2 = Fourier(), Chebyshev()
> dom = dom1 ⊗ dom2
> @assert TensorSpace(Fourier(), Chebyshev()) == dom1 ⊗ dom2
> d1, d2 = Derivative(dom1), Derivative(dom2)
> @assert Derivative(dom1, 1) == Derivative(dom1)
> Here are the parts I do not understand:
> 1) Why doesn't the following evaluate to either error or 0? `dom1` is a 
> single variable space
> Derivative(dom1, 2) * Fun([0,0,1], dom1)
> 2) Why isn't this statement true? `d1` is the partial derivative with 
> respect to the first variable of `dom`
> Derivative(dom1) ⊗ I == Derivative(dom, 1) # --> false
> 3) Sorry for the dumb question but what is `Derivative(dom)`? Is 
> `Derivative(dom)==Derivative(dom, 1)`? It looks like the following is true 
> for all `f`
> (Derivative(dom1) ⊗ I) * f == Derivative(dom) * f == Derivative(dom, 1) * 
> f # --> true
> whose first part seems to contradict 2).
> It looks like negation of derivative for the tensor space is not defined:
> (-Derivative(dom1)) * Fun([0,0,1],dom1) # valid expression for single 
> variable function
> (-Derivative(dom)) * Fun([0,0,1],dom) # invalid expression for the tensor 
> space
> Also, I would like to define the divergence and I expect div rot = 0 
> identically. I fail to define \partial_1\partial_2 but \partial_2\partial_1 
> works
> stream_fun = Fun(randn(5), dom)
> jϕ = Derivative(dom, 2) * stream_fun
> jz = Derivative(dom, 1) * stream_fun
> #Derivative(dom, 1) * jϕ #  ∂_1∂_2(stream_fun) --> error
> Derivative(dom, 2) * jz # ∂_2∂_1(stream_fun) --> OK 
> Last: `ApproxFun.transform(dom, y)` changes the values of `y` invalidating 
> the convention about functions modifying its arguments.
> michele

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