I use jupyter notebook in an aggressive way. I consider working in Atom 
when it releases its Linux portable version (at least without installing).

I use `print` and `@show`. But I find the format of `@show` for matrix is 
not very friendly. And I agree with Tamas. I also program with a very 
incremental way to avoid bug for large project.

I use `winston` to visualize my simulation result, because it's simple and 
already satisfies my needs. Tom's `Plots.jl` is also a good choice.

No for me.

I agree with Tamas, one great difficulty of using Julia is to refuse the 
temptation of over optimizing the code.

On Thursday, May 12, 2016 at 7:01:04 PM UTC+2, David Parks wrote:
> I'm a few weeks into Julia and excited and motivated to learn and be as 
> efficient as possible. I'm sure I'm not alone. I know my way around now, 
> but am I as efficient as I can be? 
> What haven't I tried? What haven't I seen? What haven't I asked?
> For those of you who have been around longer, could you share your advice 
> on efficient day-to-day development style?
> For example:
>    - What IDE do you use? Are you using Atom? A combination of Atom and 
>    the REPL? Something else?
>    - How do you debug complex code efficiently? How do you debug other 
>    peoples code efficiently?
>    - Do you have a favorite way of visualizing your work?
>    - Are there must have tools? packages? utilities?
>    - Any simple day-to-day efficiency/advice you could share with others 
>    who didn't yet know to ask.

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