I'm not 100% sure I understand your question, but let me give it a shot. 

First thing is to note why you're getting that MethodError. It's from the 

println(si in sdt1[i, [:BreakTime1, :BreakTime2]])

Define sdt1 as you do (I just copied into a Julia REPL) and set i = 1 to 
for the first iteration of the for loop.


julia> sdt1[i, [:BreakTime1, :BreakTime2]]
1×2 DataFrames.DataFrame
│ Row │ BreakTime1          │ BreakTime2          │
│ 1   │ 2016-04-13T10:00:00 │ 2016-04-13T12:00:00 │

julia> si = 
WARNING: [a] concatenation is deprecated; use collect(a) instead
 in depwarn at deprecated.jl:73
 in oldstyle_vcat_warning at abstractarray.jl:29
 in vect at abstractarray.jl:32
while loading no file, in expression starting on line 0
11-element Array{Any,1}:

julia> si in sdt1[i, [:BreakTime1, :BreakTime2]]
ERROR: MethodError: `start` has no method matching 
 in mapreduce_sc_impl at reduce.jl:194
 in in at reduce.jl:377

So si is of type Vector{Any} but happens to hold strings. sdt1[i, 
[:BreakTime1, :BreakTime2]] is a DataFrame. What does it mean to ask if a 
vector is in a DataFrame? That's what's happening in your println; the `in` 
is just an infix operator of function in.

3-element Array{Int64,1}:

julia> 1 in x

julia> in(1,x)

julia> in(5,x)

I assume you get the MethodError of no method start because in(a,b) 
iterates over b, checking each element of b for equality to a. But 
DataFrames are not iterable in this way. (This part just a guess; look it 
up in the manual before telling your friends.)

Anyway, to get output as from your R snippet, you could use a loop like the 

julia> for i in 1:nrow(sdt1), t in 
           if !(t in [sdt1[:BreakTime1][i], sdt1[:BreakTime2][i]])
               println("$i $(Dates.format(t, "HH:MM"))")
1 07:00
1 07:30
1 08:00
1 08:30
1 09:00
1 09:30
1 10:30
1 11:00
1 11:30
2 07:15
2 07:45
2 08:15
2 08:45
2 09:15
2 09:45
2 10:45
2 11:15
2 11:45

I hope this helps!

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