Páll: don't worry about the project failing because of YOUUUUUU ;) in any case we wanted to try Julia and see if we could get help/tips from the community. About the nogc I wonder if activating it will also prevent the core of Julia to be garbage collected ? If yes for long run it's a bad idea to disable it too long.

For now the only options options are C/C++ and Julia, sorry no D or Lisp :) Why would you not recommend C for this kind of tasks ? And I said 1000 images/sec but the camera may be able to go up to 10 000 images/sec so I think we can define it as hard real time.

Thank you for all these ideas !

Le 01/06/2016 23:59, Páll Haraldsson a écrit :
On Wednesday, June 1, 2016 at 9:40:54 AM UTC, John leger wrote:

    So for now the best is to build a toy that is equivalent in
    processing time to the original and see by myself what I'm able to
    We have many ideas, many theories due to the nature of the GC so
    the best is to try.

    Páll -> Thanks for the links

No problem.

While I did say it would be cool to now of Julia in space, I would hate for the project to fail because of Julia (because of my advice).

I endorse Julia for all kinds of uses, hard real-time (and building operating systems) are where I have doubts.

A. I thought a little more about making a macro @nogc to mark functions, and it's probably not possible. You could I guess for one function, as the macro has access to the AST of it. But what you really want to disallow, is that function calling functions that are not similarly marked. I do not know about metadata on functions and if a nogc-bit could be put in, but even then, in theory couldn't that function be changed at runtime..?

What you would want is that this nogc property is statically checked as I guess D does, but Julia isn't separately compiled by default. Note there is Julia2C, and see


for gory details on compiling Julia.

I haven't looked, I guess Julia2C does not generate malloc and free, only some malloc substitute in libjulia runtime. That substitute will allocate and run the GC when needed. These are the calls you want to avoid in your code and could maybe grep for.. There is a Lint.jl tool, but as memory allocation isn't an error it would not flag it, maybe it could be an option..

B. One idea I just had (in the shower..), if @nogc is used or just on "gc_disable" (note it is deprecated*), it would disallow allocations (with an exception if tried), not just postpone them, it would be much easier to test if your code uses allocations or calls code that would. Still, you would have to check all code-paths..

C. Ada, or the Spark-subset, might be the go-to language for hard real-time. Rust seems also good, just not as tried. D could also be an option with @nogc. And then there is C and especially C++ that I try do avoid recommending.

D. Do tell if you only need soft real-time, it makes the matter so much simpler.. not just programming language choice..

help?> gc_enable
search: gc_enable


Control whether garbage collection is enabled using a boolean argument (true for enabled, false for disabled). Returns previous GC state. Disabling garbage collection should be used only with extreme caution, as it can cause memory use to grow without bound.

    Le mardi 31 mai 2016 18:44:17 UTC+2, Páll Haraldsson a écrit :

        On Monday, May 30, 2016 at 8:19:34 PM UTC, Tobias Knopp wrote:

            If you are prepared to make your code to not perform any
            heap allocations, I don't see a reason why there should be
            any issue. When I once worked on a very first
            multi-threading version of Julia I wrote exactly such
            functions that won't trigger gc since the later was not
            thread safe. This can be hard work but I would assume that
            its at least not more work than implementing the
            application in C/C++ (assuming that you have some Julia

        I would really like to know why the work is hard, is it
        getting rid of the allocations, or being sure there are no
        more hidden in your code? I would also like to know then if
        you can do the same as in D language:


        The most reliable way to guarantee latency is to preallocate
        all data that will be needed by the time critical portion. If
        no calls to allocate memory are done, the GC will not run and
        so will not cause the maximum latency to be exceeded.

        It is possible to create a real-time thread by detaching it
        from the runtime, marking the thread function @nogc, and
        ensuring the real-time thread does not hold any GC roots. GC
        objects can still be used in the real-time thread, but they
        must be referenced from other threads to prevent them from
        being collected."

        that is would it be possible to make a macro @nogc and mark
        functions in a similar way? I'm not aware that such a macro is
        available, to disallow. There is a macro, e.g. @time, that is
        not sufficient, that shows GC actitivy, but knowing there was
        none could have been an accident; if you run your code again
        and memory fills up you see different result.

        As with D, the GC in Julia is optional. The above @nogc, is
        really the only thing different, that I can think of that is
        better with their optional memory management. But I'm no
        expert on D, and I mey not have looked too closely:



            Am Montag, 30. Mai 2016 12:00:13 UTC+2 schrieb John leger:

                Hi everyone,

                I am working in astronomy and we are thinking of using
                Julia for a real time, high performance adaptive
                optics system on a solar telescope.

                This is how the system is supposed to work:
                   1) the image is read from the camera
                   2) some correction are applied
                   3) the atmospheric turbulence is numerically
                estimated in order to calculate the command to be sent
                to the deformable mirror

                The overall process should be executed in less than
                1ms so that it can be integrated to the chain (closed

                Do you think it is possible to do all the computation
                in Julia or would it be better to code some part in
                C/C++. What I fear the most is the GC but in our case
                we can pre-allocate everything, so once we launch the
                system there will not be any memory allocated during
                the experiment and it will run for days.

                So, what do you think? Considering the current state
                of Julia will I be able to get the performances I
                need. Will the garbage collector be an hindrance ?

                Thank you.

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