
I would like to programatically create markdown strings and have them 
rendered in IJulia so that I can use markdown as a template language to 
substitute in variables values, etc.

For example, something like:

temp = 27
humidity = 88
caption(x) = """\n<div align="center"><b>$x</b></div>"""

tp = md"""
# Test Plan

The following settings were used:

| Variable | Value | Units |
| temperature | $temp | degC |
| humidity       | $humidity | %  |
$(caption("Table 1 - Test Plan"))

The output from the IJulia cell should render the Markdown and display the 
generated docs.  Another nice feature would be to be able to get HTML 
generated from Markdown in case Markdown isn't flexible enough.  Is there a 
md2html function?

Any recommendations on how to proceed?  

(Also, the jldoctest stuff in Base looks amazing, can that be used outside 
of Base?)


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